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Does Glaive Prime Have Higher Charge Damage Than Ui States?


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After taking my new Glaive Prime for a walk yesterday i noticed something odd:


Eventhough UI and Codex state that it only has 75 Charge damage I was hitting

Lancers (1) for 130 (261 head)

Troopers (1) for 114 (229 head)


Sawmen (1) for 177


When i try to calculate the "real" damage before armor is taken into account that gives me:

130 * (1 + (100/300)) = 173 for Lancers

114 * (1 + (150/300)) = 171 for Troopers

and 177 * (1 + 5/300) = 179 for Sawmen


Now I know that you need to consider that you deal bonus damage against armor/ cloned flesh, depending on the damage-cocktail of the charge-attack (which would acutally be really nice to know/ see in the ui), however I seriously doubt that this adds up to +100% damage.


Also tested it on a friendin dojo and got ~168 dmg vs shields.


So apparently I'm either underestimating the damage increase by elemental weaknesses or the UI/Damage simply shows a too low value. My guess would be that the base charge is 125-150 with mostly slashing and a bit of puncture and impact.

Edited by Illiona
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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to do some further testing, this time against the Infested.


Glaive was only modded with Whirlwind, Quick Return and Reflex Coil for quicker throwing/ returning.


- Toxic Ancient/ Ancient Disruptor: 195 dmg

   According to Wiki we get +15% dmg with Slashing, this makes Charge Damage = 195 / 1,15 = 169,6

- Charger and Leaper: 212 / during jump 2115 (= 10x dmg)

  According to Wiki these recieve +25% dmg, so again Charge Damage = 211,5 / 1,25 = 169,2

- Volatile Runner: 255 dmg

  Here we even get +50% dmg, so Charge Damage = 255 / 1,5 = 170

- Additionaly i was able to observe bleeding procs equal to 59 dmg.

  According to Wiki bleeding dot equals 35% of the base dmg so Charge Damage = 59 / 0,35 = 168.6


So apparently the Glaive Prime deals around 170 damage as charge attack and not 75 as stated by the UI.

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