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What Warframe Should I Get?



i have seen many people posts these type of topics but since they have a different play style ill make a new one.

i already have excalibur and nova. im on ps4. the problem with nova for me is i usually use radial javelin and slash dash when a crowd of things are around me.....now with nova the only thing i can use instantly to kill something would be molecular prime which requires me shooting someone...... but usially does not create a chain reaction....... really disappointed in nova.

so i would like to get a warframe with abilities that could KILL things maybe not INSTANTLY but atleast i wont have to do anything but use the power.

i have been looking at banshee for a while but almost no topics mention banshee... is there something something bad about her that i dont know? also nekros ability to summon people from dead may not be cc but it would probably help.

so thats why i need you help feel free to give your opinion and/or create a small discussion.

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13 answers to this question

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Most warframes ulti kills things.

Volt, Ash, Saryn, Ember, Frost, Zephyr, Vauban, Oberon, Banshee, Mag, Rhino~

PS u said u used nova to slash dash up there.

sorry meant i used excalibur for slash dash and radial javelin.

yeah i know that but always that one flaw that either the ability or warframe has that makes it not assssssss good as another warframe.

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Banshee's Sound Quake stagger-locks enemies in its radius for the duration, and won't insta-kill mid to high level content but you cannot move/shoot while it is being done. Its utility lies in crowd control and letting your teammates kill the staggered enemies easier.


Rhino's Stomp will suspend enemies who survived the damage from it in the air.


Oberon's Reckoning is a good balance of damage and utility, as enemies who aren't killed instantly are knocked down disabling them for a moment, and those who did perish drop health orbs randomly. 

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Well for one, is your Nova's Molecular Prime at max rank? If not then that may be why it's not doing alot of chain reactions.


Also, her Antimatter Drop does an extreme amount of damage in a pretty large AoE, capable of one hitting bosses if you add enough power strength (and have a strong gun to shoot into it. It gets stronger the more damage is inflicted on it while it's floating through the air. You can also control it with your reticule if you didn't know that.)


As for other ability-intensive warframes, I'd say Oberon is a safe bet. Ember is pretty powerful against Infested. Rhino is overpowered - I suggest not getting him unless you want to just easymode everything. He's the most unbalanced warframe in the game currently.


As for Banshee.... Well, she's not known for having alot of "direct damage" abilities. Her ultimate is Sound Quake, which stuns and damages enemies in an AoE around her, but she's totally stationary and is also completely vulnerable. If you're in a bad spot you can be killed easily while doing this ability. Not to mention, it's really not very strong.


Banshee's bread and butter seems to be Sonar, which acts like Enemy Radar while also adding "critical" spots to every enemy in its influence. Shooting these spots do a ton of extra damage, but according to what you want, you're looking for a warframe that can blow shat up immediately. That's not Banshee. Not at all.


Frankly you already HAVE the warframe that's known to blow shat up immediately - Nova. But other candidates (other than Oberon and Ember) are Saryn, Mag, Volt (only against Corpus really), and perhaps Zephyr. Go here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes and check them all out. See what suits you the best.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Well for one, is your Nova's Molecular Prime at max rank? If not then that may be why it's not doing alot of chain reactions.


Also, her Antimatter Drop does an extreme amount of damage in a pretty large AoE, capable of one hitting bosses if you add enough power strength (and have a strong gun to shoot into it. It gets stronger the more damage is inflicted on it while it's floating through the air. You can also control it with your reticule if you didn't know that.)


As for other ability-intensive warframes, I'd say Oberon is a safe bet. Ember is pretty powerful against Infested. Rhino is overpowered - I suggest not getting him unless you want to just easymode everything. He's the most unbalanced warframe in the game currently.


As for Banshee.... Well, she's not known for having alot of "direct damage" abilities. Her ultimate is Sound Quake, which stuns and damages enemies in an AoE around her, but she's totally stationary and is also completely vulnerable. If you're in a bad spot you can be killed easily while doing this ability. Not to mention, it's really not very strong.


Banshee's bread and butter seems to be Sonar, which acts like Enemy Radar while also adding "critical" spots to every enemy in its influence. Shooting these spots do a ton of extra damage, but according to what you want, you're looking for a warframe that can blow shat up immediately. That's not Banshee. Not at all.


Frankly you already HAVE the warframe that's known to blow shat up immediately - Nova. But other candidates (other than Oberon and Ember) are Saryn, Mag, Volt (only against Corpus really), and perhaps Zephyr. Go here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes and check them all out. See suits you the best.

this is the type of response i was hoping for thank you very much i use a dread so its not the easiest to be shooting a floating ball while in a pool of enemys so yeah ill practice on that and no my molecular prime is not even upgraded. i will upgrade it as soon and depending whether i still like it or not i will get oberon as a second bet because of his ult and his other abilities. i checked out zephyr and hes a mobility type of warframe so if im in a tight spot then the yornadoes will take time to kill so my backup if i still want a new warframe will be oberon. thank you!

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