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Spaceship Specific Invasion Hazard: Room Shake Staggering


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just wanted to mention this. I'd like to have some sort of random forced stagger sections for spaceship tiles on invasion missions. It would basically simulate the ship being rocked by the impact of an enemy warhead, throwing off the inertial dampeners. Players can avoid staggering if they jump at the right time or are wallrunning at the moment of the impact. There are already sound effects and minor screen shaking in the game - this addition would build on that and force players to adapt their playstyle to avoid the penalty of staggering.


It's vital that such a mechanic has a clearly distinguishable leadup to allow players to time their actions, which would be achieved by a "brace for impact" ship alert effect and maybe some lighting changes to the affected tile(s).

Enemies in the affected tiles could have a chance to be knocked down as well, lighter units having a much higher chance than heavier ones.


I feel like K/D protection mods and mechanics(Iron skin, etc...) shouldn't protect the players from this ground shaking stagger, but the outcry of certain players would pressure DE into changing that anyway, so we might as well have built-in from the get go.




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It would be interesting, but it will be a while before they consider adding something like it, especially after the Broken Lights fiasco.


The difference is in the telegraphing, though - this is something that could easily be telegraphed. What if (as a very quick and not well thought out example) you heard the ship creaking loudly and warning lights flashed before doing it? This would change the playstyle on the map and legitimately change things up. Checking behind every door you enter for lights doesn't make things more interesting, but I feel that hazards like this do and add variety to the maps.


I think it's a pretty sweet idea if implemented elegantly.

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