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Racist Lights, And Some Suggested Solutions


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There are many solutions other than completely removing broken lights from the game.


1. Reduce damage dealt. If the lights dealt 50 damage instead of 250, it would be very difficult to find enough lights to make it lethal for most frames. They would then be an appropriate nuisance instead of a game-breaking gore fest.


2. Make counter play more viable by making lights break when hit by gunfire instead of spawning into the level pre-broken.


3. Make counter play more viable by increasing the 'idle' electrical animation. Something that was clearly not foreseen when this was implemented was potential energy versus kinetic energy. Our eyes are naturally drawn to movement, or kinetic energy, thereby making enemies easier to perceive than terrain because they move around. When you see something that is not currently moving, you do not immediately think that it will suddenly begin moving. (objects not in motion tend to remain not in motion. -Isaac Newton)


4. Make counter play more viable by being able to disable lights from switches or power conduits. (interactive, possible stealth application in the future.)


5. Turn off lights in sabotage missions. When I destroy a ship's reactor, there will not be enough power left to charge the lights. 'nuff said.


6. Make broken lights hit enemies as well as players. If they hit Tenno, why don't they hit Grineer, Corpus, or Infested? Blatant, unethical racism.

Edited by Oates_
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