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Broken Lights Mechanic Overhaul/ Advanced Environmental Hazards. (Obstruction)


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Hey guys I'm here to propose a possible overhaul in the Broken light mechanic aswell as speak about implementing additional environmental hazards and Obstacles that do not influence the entire mission.


The purpose of these ideas is to create productivity and reduce speed runs.


Without further to do here's these set ideas.



Obstacle/Hazard 1) A light fixture is overcharged and has broken, constantly producing a impassable field of electricity. The Tenno(s) must find the power supply and cut the power off to proceed. 


Standing near the electricity will shock you, dealing damage. Attempting to run through the electricity WILL RESULT IN INSTANT DEATH. Rhino's Iron skin, Trinity's blessing, Valkyr's Hysteria does not and will not stop this.


 Obstacle/Hazard 2) A door has malfunctioned (Idea inspired by the broken door in the Jupiter tileset) Attempting to go through the door if it’s Malfunction A will result in impact damage taken after each attempt. locate the panel nearby to hack and rewire the door. 


This Hazard can come in One of Two forms, depending on the type of door this is affecting. 


Malfunction B) Tri-panel door: (Grineer galleon, Forest) will be partially open and will not open any further.


Malfunction A) Generic Corpus door: (Corpus Ship/Outpost/Gas planet) will malfunction, constantly opening and closing rapidly.


Malfunction A) Large Grineer door: (Forest,Shipyard,Asteroid) Door will malfuction, constantly opening and closing rapidly.


Obstacle/Hazard 3) "Friendship Door". We all know what door this is, requiring another player if there is one to open the door.

What if we explored this idea and expanded it even further? for example, in dead space 3 Co-op hacking the engineering panel requires both Issac and John must be near the computer, and both hack simultaneously.

Two members of the team must hack a large Grineer Cipher. one side has one half the other side has another half. One to 3 pieces are connected to the other players side. Simple, yet complex.





EDIT: I will be updating this post with any additional ideas.

Edited by Phobose
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Obstacle/Hazard 1) A light fixture is overcharged and has broken, constantly producing a impassable field of electricity. The Tenno(s) must find the power supply and cut the power off to proceed. 
Standing near the electricity will shock you, dealing damage. Attempting to run through the electricity WILL RESULT IN INSTANT DEATH. Rhino's Iron skin, Trinity's blessing, Valkyr's Hysteria does not and will not stop this.


How about instead of randomly triggered instand death they work like a Corpus laser door? The last thing that needs to be done with this nonsense is make it an insta-kill.

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I can't say I'll vouch for things that cause instadeath.  That'd just ruin some people's days -- The laser gate effect works well enough.  Moderate-low damage and knockback.  Stuff that takes a little cognition to get by, maybe.  I'd be fine with more varied and complex puzzles to go with hacking stuff, and a few more technical obstacles that isn't a wall of deformed men.  But we need to shift the game's general atmosphere away from being a loot race speedrun for this to really add something to the experience, otherwise it'll just be really annoying.

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Posted Today, 03:47 PM

Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) Will do DOT vs (instead of) big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.




Can you please shut up about the lights now?

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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This isn't really a complaint about the lights.  He's come up with ideas that are worthy in their own right.  There's no need for that sort of attitude.

The threads about the broken lights have gotten out of control I have grown tired of them. I said please.

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The threads about the broken lights have gotten out of control I have grown tired of them. I said please.

In a rather disrespectful and unnecessary way, yes, you did.  There's no point in trying to silence the overwhelming opinions of the userbase, and belligerence certainly isn't going to do it.  It's that overwhelming feedback that's most effective in getting a response from the developers.  It's messy and sometimes brusque, but it works.


This topic, however, isn't an emotional, unconstructive protest against the lights; even though the topic has "broken lights" in the name, it suggests new trap types entirely.  It's more or less a supplementary suggestion in light of the overlying issue.


I wouldn't get worked up over it.  It'll die down on it's own.

Edited by LunaticMethod
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The threads about the broken lights have gotten out of control I have grown tired of them. I said please.


I've mentioned nothing about the broken light's current disposition, If you mind adhering to the original post that would be appreciated.

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How about instead of randomly triggered instand death they work like a Corpus laser door? The last thing that needs to be done with this nonsense is make it an insta-kill.

The purpose is the halt speed runners. Maybe I might have gotten a bit extreme with the Insta-Death lol

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I just have to point out that the reason valkyr is immune to certain things in hysteria is because it's impossible for her to destroy broken lights, sensors etc.


Until she can deal with traps like every other frame can, they should not have an effect on her

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The purpose is the halt speed runners. Maybe I might have gotten a bit extreme with the Insta-Death lol

Corpus cameras and laser gates are good at it, but a skilled fellow can take them out on the fly and justify being allowed to continue at his current pace.  Which I think is great, because a ninja's greatest asset is his skill.  The power supply should be within sight of the hazard to be destroyed, so as not to disrupt the flow of the game too much.  Like sensor bars.

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Corpus cameras and laser gates are good at it, but a skilled fellow can take them out on the fly and justify being allowed to continue at his current pace. Which I think is great, because a ninja's greatest asset is his skill. The power supply should be within sight of the hazard to be destroyed, so as not to disrupt the flow of the game too much. Like sensor bars.

you can still spin attack through the laser gates, I'm guilty of this. I agree with the right of flight if you can skillfully shoot down sensors and cameras and retain that speed. Edited by Phobose
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Right, but that's not necessarily intended by the devs, is it?  If it's not, then it'll get fixed sooner or later, I'm sure.

the problem is this is an ancient exploit, it's been around longer than I've been playing. I'll probably address this when I get the chance
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