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Three Important Gui Improvements.


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I'll try to keep it short:



1. Bigger loot window on mission summary screen +/or option to change in general options menu it view type to 'list', so single component/ mod takes less space and maybe we can scroll that table.


Lately when I was farming Orokin Cells more often than not they were not showing in that summary picture. It was so inconvenient to go to inventory and see how many units of xyz we have now and how many we had before mission.



2. Color palletes. Owned by player should be on top, scrolling through locked palletes is PAIN. Also they should pop-up on hover, as well as colour should be applied temp. on warframe/weapon when player hovers cursor over single one. It would make life so much easier, single pallete takes little space so it shouldn't block out character.



3. Player list in lobby chat: beign able to click with RMB on player nick in chat, w/o having to scroll for his name in player list on the right. It would help a lot in recruiting section.


Sometimes they have stuid nicknames and it takes many precious seconds to find their name.

Thanks, keep up the good work DE!




P.S. Pls bump Fever Strike drop rate :>

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