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Where Have The 3D Rooms Gone?


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I've noticed lately, that the 3D rooms appear to be missing. Like, on the grineer asteroid base, there was one with a running coal conveyor belt through it, I haven't seen that for quite a while now. There was also another in the grineer asteroids that had like 5 floors and a series of staircases and side-exits, which, again, I haven't seen in a bit.


Additionally, there was one particularly interesting epic treasure room in the derelicts that involved an ultra-wide tunnel, a massive fan, and multiple jump pads leading around it with laser beams. I haven't seen that one in a really, really long time.


It seems like more of the large rooms like that are just "missing" now. Are they simply much-less-likely to spawn these days because of how rules are, or have they been removed, or is it just something to do with how the game decides what it builds next being different because of unrealized changes in my behavior?

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Same on my end

I really havent seen the huge multi floor room in a while on the asteroids base

And it really hurts the game from my point

WE need more big rooms

Especially with zephyr. I have the ability to climb hundreds of feet in the air with ease, and few places to do so.

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