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By Far The Biggest Issue I Have With The New Broken Light And Door Sensor Implementation


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Whether or not DE wants to stop rushers, or just hates newbies with a passion or whatever, I don't know.


The most confusing thing about the update that I cannot believe more people aren't pointing out isn't just the broken light mechanic itself, but the broken light mechanic in addition to the new sensor door mechanic, and how they do their jobs. Let me explain.


On one hand, we have "broken lights" that magically target only Tenno.

On the other hand, we have "sensor doors" that damage everyone that walks through, including the Grineer themselves.


Please explain to me why of these two new Grineer mechanics implemented in the same patch, "broken lights" are capable of discerning friend or foe (I had no idea that broken lights are the enemy of Tenno only), while sensor doors that are actually specifically engineered by the Grineer to stop enemies are not (Corpus laser doors do not affect the corpus afaik - they definitely don't get knocked down).


Can you imagine the design meeting that must have taken place to come to the conclusion that this is how it should work? Let's look at this from the Grineer perspective.


A: Sir, we are having difficulty dealing with the Tenno!

B: Let's install some "traps". Go around and break a bunch of those supercharged lights so that they'll shock incoming Tenno. Just punch off their covers or something, nothing too complex.

A: ...Won't that be dangerous to our own troops?

B: Nonsense! Though we should take some further precautions. We'll have doors with sensors and cameras to sense anyone coming through and have a field deployed in said door to damage anyone who walks through.

A: That sounds great! This is also safer and less hazardous to our own troops as well!

B: No, make sure that it hurts everyone, friend or foe.




Yeah, I don't know about you, but I can't follow that train of thought. It hurts my head just thinking about it. I don't even know where to begin.


I've got to say, DE has some of the most... "interesting" design logic that I've seen from anyone. I think they'd have a pretty great shot at making one of those many Japanese commercials known for being completely out there and making absolutely no sense. Digital Extremes, indeed :P

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I've got to say, DE has some of the most... "interesting" design logic that I've seen from anyone.


You forgot the quotes around "logic" :D

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