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Excalibur Build



I have enjoyed this warframe ever since i started playing on ps4 and chose this frame; really nice frame all around, not destructive like Nova but still nice; here are my current builds that i've made post update 12

Build 1: Experimenting


Build 2: Experiment Support


any tips or feedback would be appreciated

edit: forgot to mention that I'm considering a different build focusing on increasing duration of Radial Blind while maintaining decent range and strength in javelins so any tips on a build involving this thought would be good

Edited by (PS4)Loto-Drandel
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6 answers to this question

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His greatest power is Radial Blind. Experiment with it to find out more.

Or check the wikia.

Or wait for someone to elaborate.


Super jumping and using Radial Javelin can be a lot of fun (maps like Lares etc), but it's not viable against stronger enemies. 

Excal's true strength is his cc, Radial Blind. It stuns the enemies for a few seconds and blinds them.

Ideally you want to have max range and good duration and efficiency (or at least as much as possible). If you can keep the enemies blinded, they can't really fight back properly.

This is more-or-less my build (not ideal, but it works):


Have fun.

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I have three main builds that I use, all using the same polarity set up.


Slash Dash + Radial Blind: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_14403120032_1-1-10-2-2-10-3-10-5-4-9-5-5-8-5-7-3-5-13-4-3-14-6-5-46-7-5-68-0-3-69-5-3_68-2-1-7-2-6-7-9-13-7-69-4-14-5-46-11-5-9-4-5-3-18_13/en/1-0-5/

Good for general endlessly scaling content.


Super Jump + Radial Javelin: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_14403120032_1-1-10-2-2-10-3-10-5-4-9-5-5-3-5-6-7-5-7-8-5-12-6-10-55-4-5-70-0-3-71-5-3_70-5-1-7-2-6-5-9-55-6-71-7-12-8-6-11-7-9-4-5-3-18_13/en/1-0-5/

Devastating at low-medium lvl content, not so much after that... in fact the super long cast time will get you killed instead (Natural Talent can help that a bit though if you want). plus maxed out Super Jump for the lolz


All four abilities: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_14403120032_1-1-10-2-2-10-3-10-5-4-7-5-5-4-5-6-6-5-7-9-5-68-8-3-69-3-3-70-0-3-71-5-3_70-5-1-7-2-6-69-7-5-5-71-7-6-6-4-9-68-3-7-5-3-18_13/en/1-0-5/

The good old fashioned balanced build, cause he's the only frame that I'd use all four abilities on if it was viable.

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I like your first build. The second one you don't need flow if you have max efficiency, 150 energy for excal is enough imo.


These are the four builds I switch between. They each require 4 forma though, save for the all around build for excal prime which may require 1 forma.


Survuval Build: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3281175896807168419/BB10D60153140C47FDBE42471E06020960B67108/


Defense Build (radial blind build): http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3281175896807165358/0F9BA3BB45214073A989A81A1F86DFA6D7F252FF/


Overall Build: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3281175896807162580/C7E7D09CBC94F83A60DAB4191619072C14BEA4F0/


Power strength build for funsies: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=235905199


And here is a no forma overall build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_14001120010_1-1-10-5-2-5-6-7-5-8-10-5-14-6-5-47-8-0-55-3-5-68-9-3-69-0-3-70-4-3-71-5-3_69-4-1-7-5-9-55-11-70-5-71-7-14-5-6-11-47-6-68-2-8-7_13/en/1-0-5

Edited by nickelshark
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I have enjoyed this warframe ever since i started playing on ps4 and chose this frame; really nice frame all around, not destructive like Nova but still nice; here are my current builds that i've made post update 12

Build 1: Experimenting


Build 2: Experiment Support


any tips or feedback would be appreciated

edit: forgot to mention that I'm considering a different build focusing on increasing duration of Radial Blind while maintaining decent range and strength in javelins so any tips on a build involving this thought would be good


If I get the needed mods, my thought was using Radial Blind, Radial Javelins and Super Jump to help execute Radial Javelins so it gets enemies in all directions behind cover.


Fleeting Expertise = Full Rank Efficiency 60% Duration -60%


Excalibur Pendragon Helmit - Strength 15%


Blind Rage = Full Rank  Strength 99% Efficiency -55%


Streamline =  Efficiency 15%   If you swap for Overextended, then you reduce strength for Javelins.


Continuity = Full Rank Duration 30%


Constitution = Funk Rank Duration 28%


Intensify = Full Rank Strength 30%


Heavy Impact = Full Rank


Focus is on Strength  with 36 javelins at about 3600 damage a piece.  Super Jump to executive Javelins to hit enemies behind cover.  Heavy Impact on landing to knock over remaining enemy.  Radial Blind as about the same duration if you had no mods for duration.


As you can see, you can't do a focus on Radial Blind and then look for range and strength in Javelins.  You're more focused on one or the other.  You could swap Heavy Impact for Stretch and maybe forma Excalibur to swap Streamline for Flow and just go with 60% Power efficiency.


My thought is that I might use this build for defense only.  A focus on Radial Blind, I would make the frame more mobile with a Rush mod and mods for melee (Sure Footed and Fortitude) to use the 4x damage for melee from Radial Blind. I would exclude Fleeting Expertise and go with a full Streamline mod and swap Blind Rage with Narrow Minded for duration but only to 72% so that Stretch offsets the lose of Power range.  Since I can execute Blind Rage a lot, I have to movement and duration to keep blind the enemy.

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