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Derelict Survival Rewards


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Right, I decided to do a bit of burston prime farming.
Or, decided to hope to.

3 runs now (2 to 40 mins, 1 to 45) and not a single prime piece. Now I can understand that RNG or that its a really rare drop and so it's not very common. I'm fine with that.
What I am NOT fine with is the T1 key farming. If you're in the derelicts, you're not looking for T1 keys anymore.

All I ask, is bump the keys up to T2 or, preferably T3 minimum.


My rewards so far, not in chronological order:
1. -three rare 5 cores - 1 forma bp - four T1 keys (assorted)

2. -5000 credits cache - 1 forma bp - one rare 5 core - four T1 keys (assorted) - one T2 MD key
3. -2500 credits cache - 1 forma bp - 3 rare 5 cores - 1 T2 MD key - three T1 keys

Edited by S7ORM
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I'd rather keep getting T1 keys in ODS, considering that all I ever seem to get in ODD are T2 keys, and we still need to run T1 missions when new Prime items are released.


Just keep with it. I've been missing the barrel for a while now too.

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The ODS rewards are quite obnoxious to deal with.  I've done fifteen runs and kept track of the stats.  This is the rewards table that I've deduced from my rewards (no guarantee it's exactly correct, but 15 runs is a pretty good sample size):

5+10 minutes:

Credit Cache: 10%

Void Key: 45%

Fusion Core: 45%


15 minutes:

Void Key: 100%


20 Minutes:
Prime Part/BP: 40%

Void Key: 60%


Post 20 repeats, as normal for survivals


This was my key distribution:
T1 Cap: 10%
T1 Def: 5%

T1 Ext: 35%

T1 MD: 40%

T2 Ext: 10%



So, basically: I hope you like T1 Ext/MD keys and staying past 20 is never worth it when hunting for primes.

Edited by JBS_1
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