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Wall Run Test



Okay.... This test is garbage for PS4 players, lol.


I mean I want to hook up a keyboard and mouse and pass this test easily but for some reason I find it particularly difficult to jump and wall run then aim over hit the glowing ball of doom.


don't get me wrong I have only tried this test once and......failed, lol.

I even used Rhino with his speed helmet and the stamina mods and wall run mods too.


Has anyone else suffered from this test like I did or was it just because it was my first time?

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You can climb on top of the panels and the glowing balls, and find many ways to be inventive.  It does require a strong wrist however, and lots of time put into it.  I failed many times before my Vauban finally did it.  It helps to have a lot of stamina.  


However, I do not think the designers intended for you to use the balls to stand on.  Aw well.   

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I know what your feeling man, took me three trys to pass it. What you should try doing is going through a couple missions wall running and killing enemys like i did, or even better if you have a duel room in your dojo try dueling someone while wall running around the area. But the key to the mission though is talking your time, once you get pass one wall run.. chill, take your time, see whats coming next, RELOAD YOUR WEAPON! Also bring along high magazine weapons like a Soma or an Ignis help a TON . Good luck next time.

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LOL, I am glad someone feels my pain haha.


Yeah well I got my Soma, like I prepared for it..... sort of lol.


Like I knew what I needed to use to make this more simple but I could always try running straight up the side wall and shhot that ball, but that's cheat mode ;).


I just hope I can log on tomorrow and tell everyone THAT I DID IT, LOL...... prob wont happen haha. But this time I am going to do what you said and I will also use my obstacle course first too but what you said makes more sense since my problem is wall running and shooting at the same time.



I wonder if the phage would work with that ridiculous spread..... hmmm.

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A few tips:

1. Bring a slow to medium speed frame. Fast isn't better here.

2. Grab those stamina mods and upgrade them.

3. Use the Ignis. Hardly have to aim at all.

4. Angle your jumps properly to prepare for vertical or horizontal running on the next platform.


That being said, I feel for you PS4 players as I did it on PC. Good luck. Hope this helps. 

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Honestly, the best thing to do is switch your jump button to L1.


It takes some getting used to--I had to play for a day with the buttons switched--but it is much easier that way. The mechanics of having to hold down X while aiming and shooting is nearly impossible. With L1 as jump, you can keep your right thumb on the Right Analog. 


Also, I used Boar Prime because its automatic and spread. For frame, I picked Oberon because he's slow, and I didn't need stamina mods. 

Edited by (PS4)dice_thrown
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Okay well I know everything you told me BUT one question, is the Ignis really that effective in this test?


I will give that a try as well, thank you.


but first for the horizontal wall run I will try to troll Warframe and run up it vertically and run on the edge. hehe >I:)

Hope it helps. And as for angling properly, that was my biggest problem. Also jumping off of one platform to the next usually too late. Good luck.

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Hope it helps. And as for angling properly, that was my biggest problem. Also jumping off of one platform to the next usually too late. Good luck.


Its the third set where the angling is really hard. My frame kept wanting to go straight up, backflip back to the flat platform, and roll off. 

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No need to switch buttons on the controller. Overthinking the test and changing what you are used to will make you fail everytime. Do the test with whichever warframe you are most comfortable with. NO SPEED MODS!! Slower is better but I ended up beating it with Mag Prime. Max Marathon Mod is a must, Acrobat can help too but you shouldn't really need it.

AOE weapons are going to make it much easier. I used my ignis with max Firestorm. When you get into the wall run, just aim into the general direction of the orb and the Ignis does the work for you. Aim and shoot early otherwise you will end up overjumping the next wall.

There is no timer here so take a breath and calm your nerves while you line up the next run. I think what finally did it for me was watching a youtube vid that was done with a Latron Prime. That made me so angry that somehow I just powered right through the test lol. Good luck I did it at least 10 times :/

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Speed does not help for this test, try getting rhino without the vanguard helmet. Try using acrobat, marathon and quick rest to help stamina. At each platform, let your stamina recharge and reload your weapon.


As an alternative, equip a zephyr with tail wind and siphon, then just wait for the ability to charge, and provided your aim is good you can rocket to the top platform in one try.


As a less common alternative, use Excalibur with strength buffs and siphon and just superjump the first and third platform. You'll still have to hit the second one on your own Recommended for semi skilled players


An Ignis or soma would be awesome for shooting the balls. Damage mods are useless tho, and don't worry about spamming bullets, just equip an ammo mod. If you want to practice, try soloing a void run or go to your clan dojo where there are plenty of hard to reach places. Hope this was helpful

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Okay.... This test is garbage for PS4 players, lol.


Has anyone else suffered from this test like I did or was it just because it was my first time?

I'm on my fifth try. I've tried just doing it with a moderate speed frame with no gimmicks, ng.

I've tried using switch teleport with Loki, ng. Think they fixed that bug.

I've tried climbing the wall and walking on top of it like a lot of people say they do, ng. Not sure if I was just incompetent or they fixed that bug.

Last night I went max marathon, max acrobat and Saryn with her stock helmet and remapped jump to L1. I still failed, but it was the closest I've got so far.

Today I'll be adding a max quick rest.

Also, Ignis during all of this.

I feel your pain bro. I feel it. Makes me yearn for a PC and a few hours of Dust in counterstrike......

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You had a hard time with this on PC? I would think it would be much easier with the keyboard and mouse.


Couldn't do the horizontal-to-horizontal-to-vertical switch consistently. Tried all the frames, but either the first or the second switch would not go as planned.

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I found out the reason why I failed it twice and was so F****** P***** when I found out. But I want you all too know this test is freaking simple if you just change one thing. (And no for PS4 players do not switch L1 and X, terrible idea).


Okay first you have to go into your options screen and you will see a setting that says hold X to wall run, TAKE THAT OFF!!!!


when you do OMG this test is cake, I used a Rhino with only acrobat and marathon on with an unranked ignis and smoked it the first try. What will happen is instead of holding X when you wall run all you have to do is press X once and your guy will wall run forever until you make him jump or he runs out of stamina.


WAY easy guys, I hope I help a lot of you out with this because I wasn't happy about failing two times in a row on a FKN wall run test.

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Good god, this test was hard. I just completed it after four tries, and that's on PC. I can't even imagine how it must be for PS players.


I'm pretty sure at one point [DE]Rebecca said they were looking to do an overhaul on it, but I don't remember when that was or if they've made any headway since then.


Good luck!

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ROFL so I just failed the Mastery 15 rank test miserably the first two tries.


Then I just used Zephyr to fly to the end. But I messed up and overshot the last pad, and fell through the map, falling, falling, falling... and then:


"Mission Complete!"


LOL Thanks DE!

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I failled 4 times when it was mr 9 if I recall correctly... and now at mr 15




it kills me literally xDD






 Fast isn't better here.



very very true, doing it with the rhino with normal helm is a lot easier than with the vanguard helm

Edited by Funphyro
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Never use speed on a ran 8 test. A slower frame gets you more coordination. Have marathon, acrobat, and quick rest on.


Alternatively, Just use a tail wind / energy siphon combo and et to the top platform.


Use a high magazine mod or an ignis to shoot.


As an addition, Jump + shift gets you a just right wallrun I believe. (saying this cos im assuming you use a keyboard even on the PS4)


All the best.

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