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Nyx And Fleeting Expertise?



It seems at first glance that Fleeting Expertise would be excellent because you get tons of  efficiency and you get to micromanage chaos on a shorter latency, but I realise that not only can you micro, you have to micro as your power duration drops.


At some point It would be nice to calculate at what point the best energycost per second equivilant is, but in the mean time I'd like to hear what the forum thinks. Is there a point at which the power duration is to short to reasonably use, or should I just go ham and drop the duration to like 12 seconds?

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first of all in my opinion, fleeting is rarely a downside on most frames.


sure you lower the duration, but you lower the cost. so the cost vs time active remains the same, just giving you more detailed control of when it is or is not active.


in a case like the nyx i consider this a huge upside. i put on fleeting without ANY extra duration mods to cancel it out. this means chaos only lasts 12s, but this is intentional. if the ability last 30s and you have some random secluded mob off in a corner do nothing then you dont have access to that ability for 30s and new mobs coming into the area have full rein to do as they please and you just cant cast chaos. but with a shorter duration you can cast it more often, constantly effecting new badies that are flowing in.

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I'm no expert, but I use a 40% fleeting with a 30% continuity, and I like it a lot. Combined with streamline and the vespa helmet I get the full 75% off, so energy is never an issue, and the time feels just right for me. If a new mob makes it's way to your location, using mind control on the toughest enemy pulls a whole lot of aggro. I've solo'd T3 Mobile Defense and Outer Terminus with that set up and it's been successful :)

Edited by (PS4)EternalDamnation
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Nyx is one of my main frames and I would recommend max Fleeting Expertise with no mods to counter the duration loss. However, if you have Overextended in your build you can afford to use a slightly lower ranked Fleeting if you wish to. Natural Talent is also nice to speed up that Chaos cast a little. 

Edited by Cynick
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Short duration is good for Nyx.  Yes you have to use Chaos more often, but Chaos is MUCH more powerful when used often. Firstly because of the unavoidable 2 seconds of stun at the start of it, and secondly because it lets you react to a changing battlefield more fluidly.  Absorb also becomes a much more practical ability when used with minimum duration because there is less time for the enemy to lose interest or walk away from you.


Personally I go with a 50/50% Fleeting Expertise and use the helmet which increases efficiency.  Max stretch, max over-extended.  12 seconds is long enough that you aren't forced to constantly hammer on your '3' key like poor old Nekros.

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A few things to note.  First, you need to calculate how many energy orbs it requires to refill after a skill is used.  As Chaos costs 75 energy per cast, to refill in 1 orb requires 70% efficiency, while 2 orbs requires 35%.  Anything less wastes a fraction of an energy orb.


Second, as efficiency increases the number of casts per energy pool increases substantially.  At 75% efficiency, you get 5 casts per 100 energy, at 70% you get 4, etc.  With a total of 225 energy that's 12 casts at 75% efficiency versus 10 casts at 70%.  While 5% efficiency may not seem like a lot, that is 2 additional casts with maxed energy.


Third, if you use Fleeting with 50% efficiency and -50% duration and a 25% Streamline, you hit the 75% cap and still managed a 12.5 second duration, which is close to ideal.  Better still is using a maxed Fleeting with 60% efficiency and -60% duration and then equipping a Vespa helmet for the additional 15% efficiency.  This gives Chaos a 10 second duration, which seems optimal and frees up a mod slot (for range).


In the end I would suggest a minimum of 70% efficiency so you can refill with a single energy orb.  As you can attain this with a single Fleeting and a Vespa helmet, why wouldn't you?  10 seconds is long enough for Chaos and a 4 second Absorb is a nice safety measure and not too much of an inconvenience (although a 12s Mind Control isn't really worth using but at least it's spamable and cheap).  Also, with such good efficiency you are not forced to use Energy Siphon as a single energy orb provides enough to get you started.

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Apparently Fleeting's energy cost and duration reductions are equal and linear, so all abilities will have the same energy per second cost (chaos happens to be 3) no matter what.


Micro away I guess.


But this relationship changes when you add duration mods or the Vespa helm.


With Helm, for example, 

Base Chaos = 63.75e for 25 sec = 2.55 e/sec

Chaos with max Fleeting Expertise= 18.75e for 10 sec = 1.875 e/sec

Chaos with max Fleeting Expertise and +58% duration = 18.75e for 24.5 sec = 0.765 e/sec


Even without the helm Base Chaos is 75e for 25 sec = 3e/sec, but with max FE and the 2 duration mods is 30 cost for 24.5 sec = 1.22e/sec, which is less than if we took 3 and divided by 1.58 for the added duration.


So adding duration or using the Vespa helm makes using FE an actual energy/sec increase, rather than the same cost/sec as you postulate.




Personally I use -30% duration, as that V polarity's gotta go towards something, huh?

Edited by Darzk
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