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A Collection Of Ideas Around Mods.


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*FROM the "Hot Topics" Post by DE_Megan. (link at bottom of post)*


Ability Mods


*"Our Dev team is aware of the request to remove Ability Mods from the Drop Table. There have been some good suggestions floating around, and this topic may see dev activity as we add more mods to the pool.. Ability Mods can easily be ranked up with Fusion Cores alone and players don’t see the need to constantly obtain these Mods after 100+ hours of gameplay - but some builds require ‘underclocked’ mods so having multiples is still desired. More suggestions on where these Mods could potentially go and what to do about the growing pool of ability mods are welcome."






-TO SPELL IT OUT:  using serration as an example, if I had all 12 levels of serration individually on 12 different individual cards each a different rank from 1-12; I could then place all 12 of those individual cards in the consolidator and be able to choose between them as needed to fit a particular build, the consolidator can be placed where the mod card would go on the weapons or warframes respectively.




Consider this for all mods:


A dojo tech "mod consolidator" like a CD changer but for mods of the same type. (level sets: 1-12 fusion level)


- It can be the same size as the mods and fit into mod slots on the warframe, so it can be mobil and used on all frames in any desired mod slot.


*Basically looks like a MOD, can be moved like a mod, but is a Multiple MOD holder..like a wallet for credit cards...if the cards were all the same type.


-Only 1 mod TYPE  can be placed in 1 consolidator; type meaning "serration, vitality, etc.


-Allow Players to create as many of these as they want so that they can have the level sets of all the mods in these consolidators if desired.


-A good example would be like a CD Changer that can hold several discs. Lets pretend we have 1 original disk and several remixes of that disc. The remixes are like mods that have been fused to a different level. The 1 original disk is like the base level mod.


-A cd changer holds all these disks and you can select which one to use for the moment. The same concept applies here, only with mods of different fusion levels.


-The key here is that it acts like a consolidator of several levels of the same mod type. So that you can switch the levels on the fly instead of going into a mod screen or removing a lower level mod for a higher level one of the same type.


-If you do not have all the levels of a particular mod in the consolidator you will be limited in selection to ONLY those that you have deposited inside it.


~Let me know what you guys think About the "Mod Consolidator"



ALSO: Ways to remove Warframe Abilities as Mods and Make them Even Cooler to USE!




Nice suggestion! I'd be glad if DE actually inspired future mod changes from your topic. As for Warframe skills by leveling with your Warframe, do you actually mean certain overall xp % goes for skills and more xp% skills gain if you use them? 


Warframe skills should never be mods to begin with, these should be pernament in my opinion. However, now Generic Ability Mods are coming and problems would occur. 



Q: do you actually mean certain overall xp % goes for skills and more xp% skills gain if you use them? 


A: One solution is to have the warframe abilities level up as you level your warframe from 1-30.  In this scenario the warframe will start out with all the abilities at the "unranked" as you level the warframe through the levels you also will level his/her abilities, currently we level these abilities as mods through fusion. This suggested leveling of the warframe abilities would be synchronous to the frame itself, so that a warframe ability will be at FULL power by the time the frame hits 30.


EDIT: Another solution would be to simply have the warframe abilities and "generic warframe abilities" to SCALE in power to the warframe level. This would effectively change the gameplay drastically due to the fact you couldn't run with a low level character with max level powers anymore.


You said: (warframe abilities) should be pernament in my opinion. However, now Generic Ability Mods are coming and problems would occur. 


My response: To clarify to those who are not in the design council generic warframe abilities are being workied on right now, these abilities will be transferable between all the warframes. These new generic abilities will use a mod slot used for one of your 4 innate abilities.


The problem you have expressed is a concern over how these generic abilities work if the warframe abilities are permanently attached.


My answer to this is to make the warframe abilities and the generic abilities work on the same system.


So that you are given the 4 innate abilities free with the frame, as you acquire new generic abilities those abilities will also be assigned a number 1-4 and placed in a "selection table" to be chosen at the players discretion in the load out screen.


To do this you could simply have the 1-4 warframe ability area also contain an Up arrow, Down Arrow, and Left and Right arrows beside each ability placeholder.


The arrows will be used for two reasons.


1.) Up and Down could increase or lower the warframe abilities "mod capacity" (if that is even still an issue once they become a permanent part of the frame)


2.) Left and Right arrows on the warframe number ability slot will allow you to swap between innate abilities and what ever generic mods you have that work under that number.


So in conclusion, once you acquire a generic ability it is automatically added as a selection to the "attached" warframe abilities with the option to swap to it in the arsenal screen when modding, these generic abilities could be sold, as they simply just stick around in your mod collection, the system should automatically KNOW when a generic mod is in your mod collection and allow you to "swap" to it if you so desire.


Once sold or traded OUT of your mod collection, you will no longer be able to "swap" out an innate warframe ability with that generic one until you have found another to add it to your mod collection.


Generic Abilities could be leveled up by simply equipping them and and fighting with it equipped...much like the melee weapons are leveled now, simply because its equipped. 


I hope these answers may make the concept less troublesome.


Quick answer to "what about generic warframe abilities"

-Allow the Circle to have a <0> arrows


When you acquire a new generic power that left or right arrow turns BLUE, this means you can swap the ability to the new generic or back to the standard power.


As for the Warframe ability leveling, instead of FUSION, just allow warframe abilities to scale to the warframe level (OR) have the abilities and generic abilities level on their own with use like a weapon does (OR) have the warframe abilities level with the warframe.



The idea behind the "warframe ability mod slots" is to add BRAND NEW mods that aren't in the game right now. Mods specifically designed to enhance, alter, change a warframe ability.


-No,  current mods used on the Warframe such as Fleeting Expertise and Intensify will NOT work in the proposed new warframe ability mod slots.


-These NEW mods that will go into the warframe ability slots are to ALTER the warframe powers. NOT over power them.


-Warframe powers will STILL do what they do now by default, the mods would only add something or alter something.


-The new mods are specific to a warframe ability, having them be a clan tech mod would be 1 way to introduce them into the game. Another way would be to make them drop in special areas such as vaults or towers.


-ALL the current warframe ability mods can go BYE BYE no more need for them anymore.


-Several new mods that are designed ONLY to alter or add effects to the warframe abilities will be introduced into the game.


MORE Examples of possible alterations to powers:


1.)  Frost Globe: A mod that you can add to frost globe that makes it EXPLODE at the end of its life...freezing everything for a few moments, or better yet have an ability mod that allows you to have a mobil frost globe!


2.)  Slash Dash : A mod that adds a Bleed effect to any enemy who was hit by slash dash and not killed.


3.) Loki's invisible: A mod that if equipped will grant you health regeneration for a short time on use of Invisible.


4.) Desecrate: A mod for Desecrate, that allows you to Stun enemies briefly on use of desecrate with stacking diminishing returns on each additional desecrate for a short time after the first use so stun locking enemies would not occur.


General Banter:


* Currently if you have a good setup everything is already too easy until you reach a high level defense or survival, as such there is no need to consider these changes as game breaking.


These ideas are not because I feel a need to make warframes stronger,


I simply want to make modding them more fun, more specific, more custom and strategic.


Also free up space for those mods that are left out due to space constraints.


By space constraints I am speaking on the number of mod cards you can equip on a warframe


Not the mod POINT capacity.



(IDEA on RIGHT is for easy mod fusion, to remove the need to unequip a mod on several items in order to fuse it to a new level)


(IDEA ON LEFT is an example of why we need a mod consolidator)



Mod Consolidator: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/197801-a-collection-of-ideas-around-mods/?p=2298573


Please Remember to Upvote this thread and comment if agree these systems could use some tweeking.


**Source from above quote:


** https://forums.warfr...pics/?p=2315992

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Of course they shouldn't be. They are just limiting players using mod points so they have to buy a reactor.

They cost a whole 18 points, you can literally put almost any aura on and BAM only four points are spent. If your going to nag at a cash grab, point at slots or something that makes sense.


And be glad, Prime gear is only attainable through gameplay, started out that way and only changed recently to provide an alternative to farming. Who sells them? People who farmed the pieces. What do they spend it on? Cosmetics and slots.

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The reason the powers are mods instead of being always active is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 


True, although you could argue that any future alternate abilities can just be placed in one of those 4 circles instead (and let's be honest, do we expect DE to actually get around to alternate abilities anytime soon).


+1 OP, I believe if Warframe's abilities were always available without having to sacrifice already limited mod space, we'd see a lot less one/two trick pony gameplay and see players actually using their Warframe to it's fullest potential (abilities generally regarded as too situational to slot may actually get a chance to shine if players always have them on hand). Plus I like the idea of being able to add mods to each individual abilities, that would allow for much more customization.

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The reason the powers are mods instead of being always actie is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 


I'm just going to go ahead and point out if this was ever the intent, it's still a loooooooooooong way off.

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I always felt that since the suit basically levels up to 30, they should just learn the skills that suit is basically capable of learning, sort of in an RPG Style..  (Yes I know this is a Third Person Action Shooter, but still)


Sure I know new powers, and so fourth may come around eventually, but that specific suits abilities should be just that, abilities, and the mods can be used to make modifications to your suits, weapons etc


It would make more sense to me that which each level of a suit, you acquired a new power that can be used in battle with a simple selection on a Keyboard, or controller (Like a list of abilities that suit could use), which could lead to more hybrids, rather the every Excalibur, Trinity, Rhino being the same etc.


I know I'll probably get slapped, but that's my random two cents.... 

Edited by (PS4)Darilth
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The reason the powers are mods instead of being always actie is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 


I read this same exact line about 7+ months ago straight from the horses mouth (Hell, even from a livestream), yet it's become another empty promise.  I'm sorry but that line holds no water, because DE has never even once followed up on it with actual implementation.

Edited by AcewingX
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I read this same exact line about 7+ months ago from DE themselves, yet it's still not happened yet.  I'm sorry but that line holds no water, because DE has never even once followed up on it with actual implementation.


*cough* they're working on it right now *cough*

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The reason the powers are mods instead of being always actie is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 


So..why not allow players to SWITCH power loadouts using this same method..they are just power "choices" then.


The idea of adding NEW powers to the pool doesn't negate the ability of DE to put warframe abilities on a side tray selection instead of in the MOD bins we have for the frame. 

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I just want my SLASH and DASH...to cause BLEED on all targets it did not kill for 30% of the damage inflicted...



My 1st warframe power ability specific mod suggestion.

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I read this same exact line about 7+ months ago straight from the horses mouth (Hell, even from a livestream), yet it's become another empty promise.  I'm sorry but that line holds no water, because DE has never even once followed up on it with actual implementation.

The game is in beta, most of what has been discussed in the devstreams  has yet to be implemented the game is full of place holders that will one day be updated and given the love they deserve.

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The game is in beta, most of what has been discussed in the devstreams  has yet to be implemented the game is full of place holders that will one day be updated and given the love they deserve.


I agree, only so much can be done, and so far I like the progress.

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Seems like the same old problems are present in the game.


But....they've added so much more!


Partially kidding, the progress is good.


The horizon looks promising and scary.

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