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Four Frames, Three Slots, You Choose



I currently own Rhino, Ash, and Oberon.


In 54 hours, Loki'll be ready.


Mi plat balance is in 0, and i can't purchase it cuz no credit card.


Since nobody else bought anything from my store (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/189519-selling-some-rare-mods-take-a-look/), and i've spent the plat to give more inventory slots to some friends that didn't want to spent theirs, i'm in the need to sell one of these three frames.

I'll count each vote from your posts and decide when Loki's ready.


Thanks to the amazing people here, looks like my problem is not a problem anymore. Anyway, i'll keep the topic open just for sience. 


Now, given the hypothetical situation that you own three of this frames, but you have no more room for a fourth one, wich one will you sell?


Note: All of the three frames are potatoed, and so will be Loki. The builds are not a problem.










Edited by Dreykan
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loki is good if u have all the duration mods for invis abuse or have the range mods for disarm abuse. also ull need a good weapon cus he doesnt have a single damage ability. rhino ull most likely replace w/ his prime version later. oberon is good for early game nuking. as for ash, lets be honest, the only good ability he has is the invis.

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if you want, just PM me through the forums, and I can log on and give you 20 plat.  I got more than I need, so why not. XD

This is what I love of this community.



Keep the 3, dont play loki till you get more plat. Loki is terrible lol.

What are you even talking about? Loki is great.


Lol you can't afford 20 cents? Time to get a job at McDonald's

And this is what I hate from console players


On topic:

I would sell Ash. But know you'll need to have good mods to play Loki.

Edited by xlraistlx
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Ash is a very survivable solo player, so is loki. Ash kills things, Loki doesn't but actually has a perma-invis build.

(For those who naysay Ash beget his guaranteed shield recharge, guaranteed get away, good finisher when he's still standing and your clip is empty. Ash is a higher skill frame, as is Loki.

Edited by un1337ninj4
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When it comes down to it though, Ash can not contribute anything unique to a TEAM. Loki very much can, along with being an excellent frame for soloing just the same.


Oberon can at least heal the team and stunlock a lot of enemies at once, even if they are both very lackluster moves in the long term.  

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I'm with anyone else who offered you plat. I'm logged in A LOT. Message me and I'll set you up. The last thing I want to see people doing is deleting Warframes.

Just a suggestion though, sell some stuff. If you aren't sure what you can sell just jump into Trade chat and watch what people are asking for. Chances are you'll see a few things scroll by that you've got an extra of. 

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The only people that think Loki sucks are people who don't understand the utility he offers.  Loki was my first frame, and I initially hated him because he couldn't blow up rooms like Nova or Rhino.  It wasn't until I got over my obsession with being the best killer, that I realized how useful other frames like Loki and Nyx are.  Now I love Loki. 


Personally, I really like all the frames you have.  I couldn't choose.  Ash is such a cool character.  His shuriken does really decent damage, and his blade storm is really fun.  Rhino is a tank, and sometimes, you just need to tank.  Oberon is one of my top favs.  Have 6 forma on mine.  And Loki is the ultimate speed and stealth frame.  I use him for soloing tower missions, survivals, rank tests, codex runs, etc.


Personally, I would keep trying to sell stuff, or find someone like the person above that's willing to drop you 20 plat, and keep them all.  But, you'll run into this again after Loki because I have found things I like about each frame and haven't sold any of them, lol.

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Rhino/Rhino Prime for sure.  Oberon, Nekros or Trinity for support.


Ash or Loki?


Loki is better for playing with teammates and run solo voids (where you don't face Napalms, harsh enviroments, etc.), but Ash is far better for solo 35-50 min tier 3 survivals against Grineers and Infested than Loki.  I'm not a skilled player but I can easily solo 35 min with my Ash on Ceres Nuovo, without the need of revivals.  I never could make that long with Loki (especially now, with all these lightning and shocks around).


If maximized, Ash can remain invisible for 20s, with 25 energy cost and with almost 900/1300 shield/health.  So, he can handle some damage without help.


So if you want a stealth, but more oriented team frame, Loki is a better choice.  For solo runs, I think Ash is the guy.

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if you want, just PM me through the forums, and I can log on and give you 20 plat.  I got more than I need, so why not. XD


There should be more people like you man :) .


Every frame you own is good,so I suggest you to go on derelict exterminate/void/nightmare missions (or kill some bosses) to get rare mods that you can trade later for plats. Unless you accept these kind offers...

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OP here. First of all, thanks to Starfreak911, NomadicVar and Noamuth for your offers. Today was a very crappy day, and you guys made my day. I usually accept other's effort, but for now i'll make an exception. I'll contact one of you ASAP. 


On topic: I'm gonna update the OP with this, and more information

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