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Rising Of The Stalker


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Rising of the Stalker- part 1


“Almost there… Almost at extraction..” I murmured to myself, staggering  my broken and bullet filled armor down the ramp. That's when my optic sensors shut down and a wave of nausea hit me. “TENNO…..” His hideous voice hissed. “YOU NEED TO REMEMBER…” I gripped my helmet, attempting to rip the frame from my flesh. YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES…..”

 Reaching deep into myself, I brought forth the last shred of courage and prepared to face the one known to us as the Stalker. I stood with my back to the wall for several seconds before the soothing voice of the Lotus came through. “Tenno, theres nothing th-”

  Then a new noise came through on the com system; a blood chilling scream. It was a woman's voice. It was the voice of the lotus. The dying voice of the lotus. “TENNO… TENNO… TENNO…” His voice dripped with a sadistic sense of satisfaction, and I sank to the cold metal floor of the galleon. The holo projector for the lotus opened but instead of her feminine features, there was a dark room and a blood splattered control panel.


So I guess this this is part 1? Let me know what you guys think and if you want a part two 

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Sorry about the font guys, I wrote that in google drive at one in the morning but hopeful this will be better, haha.

Rising of the Stalker- part 2?
As I sat in the cockpit of my mantaray I was nothing more than an empty shell. There was no emotion or feeling behind the helmet. But slowly, a seed of dread, fear, but most of all, hate was planted in my heart. And there it flourished, it grew strong and slowly it ate away at me till there was nothing left but a shell, filled with nothing but hate for all life. But his would be the first to end. The stalker would fall at my hand. He would taste the hot shrapnel of my gun, and the cold steel of my blade.

And so I sat thinking how to call this murderer out of his hovel. I needed a disturbance. I needed to create a disturbance in balance so great that even the lotus in her grave would feel it.


So two paragraphs.. The result of a study hall caffeine high :P

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