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Boltor Prime Vs Soma (Against Grineer)



I'm looking for cold math because today I'm to lazy to do it my self. Which gun deals more DPS against the grineer, Soma or BoltorP?

I'm of course talking about fully modded weapons. I already have a partly forma'd Soma and I was wondering if the BoltorP out damages the Soma enough to forma it as well.

I'd also like your opinion on heavy caliber for both weapons. Thanks in advance.

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I don't use HC on Soma (after dmg 2.0) or Boltor, but... Here's my build (mostly against Heavy Grineers).





Well, i think you can put HC instead of Malignant on Soma (there's no add dmg to flesh or armor; just for DoT and proc-%)


you can drop ammo mutation for max HC on the boltorP. it has excellent ammo efficiency when you have it maxed to the degree of Nompocalypse

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you can drop ammo mutation for max HC on the boltorP. it has excellent ammo efficiency when you have it maxed to the degree of Nompocalypse


But i hate, when Carrier don't want to give me rifle ammo or when FPS drops (especially if you on Nuovo 40+ mins).


Can't wait for Large Team Ammo Restore and i'll throw out Mutation mods from my weapons :\

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IMO they should be built completely differently and fulfill different roles.


I build the Boltor Prime with HCal, and no Shred, relying on the knockback for multi target potential. This ends up doing more damage to Ferrite Grineer than my Soma build, and doesn't rely on getting headshots: http://goo.gl/RdHZmB


I build the Soma without HCal and using Shred, and focus on obtaining headshots. This gives us far more DPS to targets using Alloy armor, like Bombards/Napalms, and doesn't sacrifice accuracy allowing for headshots at a 3.9x average modifier: http://goo.gl/TmYGmL

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I don't use HC on Soma (after dmg 2.0) or Boltor, but... Here's my build (mostly against Heavy Grineers).





Well, i think you can put HC instead of Malignant on Soma (there's no add dmg to flesh or armor; just for DoT and proc-%)


5 Forma Boltor Prime 19k sustained DPS opposed to a 4 Forma Soma good for only about 16k, Boltor wins hands down.

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Boltor Prime has some real advantages vs. grineer. The huge puncture damage is just better for dealing with armor.


The Soma is mostly a slash weapons with significant puncture, but its base damage is relatively low. It's more about precision and fire rate.


Heavy caliber...man, this can of worms. Projectile weapons can be targeted in a different manner than hitscan. Since you can see your projectiles going downrange you can walk your fire onto targets and have actually have visual feedback for leading. So, the accuracy penalty of HC can effect the Boltor less than it would a hitscan weapon. The Soma (with it's low base damage) can benefit a lot from HC, but you really give up range and precision for headshots, which are important to make the most of its ability to land massive crits. I don't like HC on the Soma as a result.


Both are ammo hungry, but I've run into less issues here with Boltor despite relatively low hit rates. It does hit VERY hard after all, and doesn't require the precision of the Soma.


They're your guns, you can do what you want. I know I'm more comfortable with HC on the Boltor and don't care for it at all on the Soma. Just the way I play and how I employ the weapons.

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IMO they should be built completely differently and fulfill different roles.


I build the Boltor Prime with HCal, and no Shred, relying on the knockback for multi target potential. This ends up doing more damage to Ferrite Grineer than my Soma build, and doesn't rely on getting headshots: http://goo.gl/RdHZmB


I build the Soma without HCal and using Shred, and focus on obtaining headshots. This gives us far more DPS to targets using Alloy armor, like Bombards/Napalms, and doesn't sacrifice accuracy allowing for headshots at a 3.9x average modifier: http://goo.gl/TmYGmL

So which one do you use most? and why Shred instead of Speed Trigger which has a higher fire rate multiplier?

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and why Shred instead of Speed Trigger which has a higher fire rate multiplier?


My guess is because you can hit more than one target with it thanks to punch-through, and so it becomes an excellent crowd control/suppressive gun with less wasted bullets. Soma's also good for semi-auto firing and burst firing, so increasing the firing rate too much might make you waste more bullets than you would want.


DPS is only one thing. You also need to consider the various context you can be in, as well as overall utility. Grineer in Survival can swarm you like crazy, moreso than other factions, from my experience (ironically way more than the infested). Being able to shoot more than one target with a single shot helps clearing a room more effectively.

Edited by Casardis
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Punch through on guns like the BoltorP is mostly for dealing with shield lancers and shooting through railings, doors, and walls. It's not strictly necessary on a projectile weapon, but it's nice for dealing with enemies taking cover with as little drama as possible. Speed trigger can put out more damage in a given time frame, but most fights are over with very quickly in Warframe, so mostly it just wastes ammo.


The BoltorP has much higher base damage. If your aim is sloppy or things are just breaking fast, it has some advantages over the Soma in damage output, especially in short fights. It usually takes less shots to kill things, so ammo efficiency is somewhat better. 


The Soma has a much higher crit multiplier and if you can land those headshots, it will dump grineer all day long. Or until the ammo runs out--but if you've got the trigger discipline and the aim, it can out-damage the BoltorP, especially over long engagements.  

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Interesting comparison.  5 vs 4 forma.  How about a 5 vs 5 comparison?

b.c. Soma comes with 2 useful innate polarities it doesn't need as many forma.


Still, plug those numbers into the headshot multipliers and you get

BPrime: 39.9k DPS

Soma: 60k DPS

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