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New Sentinel Ideas?


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lately i have found it odd that you have the ability to buy more sentinel slots but there are only 5 of them. so id like to see some sentinel ideas just for the sake of doing it:


Name = Dirge

style/research branch = grineer (chem) - 

weapon = screamers - Mini rocket salvo (grineer hellion air attack)

damage type = blast

10 to 15% status chance

high reload time like 8-20 seconds (for the sake of balance)

ability precept = radar pulse - periodically sends out a sonar like pulse that detects the enemy within 5-10-15-20-25 range that lasts for about 5 to 10 seconds


*weapon thoughts* the idea behind this one is that is meant to do a salvo of rockets to "suppress" groups of enemies or do moderate damage to a single target with the chance to stagger/knockdown via the blast (or other) procs that are added to its weapon. damage amount would likely be anywhere from 5 to 25 per rocket hit  depending on how many rockets are fired.


*ability thoughts* i know this sort of steps on banshees sonar ability as far as enemy detection goes but it does not offer the bonus weak-spot or boast the range of banshees sonar. also the limited duration of the ability will still make enemy radar/sense useful for those who need the sense 100% of the time. (especially if the sentinel gets destroyed)


feel free to post your thoughts on this and your own ideas. i am curious to what some of you will come up with. 



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nice idea you have there, also rockets ftw!


here is mine


This sentinel is a "passive" one, it doesnt shoot but instead it releases Ospreys to attack nearby enemies.

As the sentinel levels up, the fighters will also gain more shields and health at a maximum of 180 in shields and 100 in health.(this value is not affected by mods)

Base Statistics



Shield Capacity





4x ability polarity + 1x Defense polarity

Default Weapon


Vector Mods


Weapon: Auxilium 
- all mods added on it only affects the damage of the Ospreys(the sentinel can only have this special weapon equipped)
- this will render some mods useless.

ability mods
1st mod: Divide
- releases fighters at 8m/12m/16m/20m and amount of fighters 2/4/6/8
- when Ospreys die they respawn after 10 sec

2st mod: Conquer
Vector boost nearby allies with a kind of lightningbolts:
- buff Ospreys/Tenno for 8 seconds with damage boost 4%/8%/12%/16%

the ospreys should look like this


Edited by Aeon66
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lately i have found it odd that you have the ability to buy more sentinel slots but there are only 5 of them. so id like to see some sentinel ideas just for the sake of doing it:


Name = Dirge

style/research branch = grineer (chem) - 

weapon = screamers - Mini rocket salvo (grineer hellion air attack)

damage type = blast

10 to 15% status chance

high reload time like 8-20 seconds (for the sake of balance)

ability precept = radar pulse - periodically sends out a sonar like pulse that detects the enemy within 5-10-15-20-25 range that lasts for about 5 to 10 seconds


*weapon thoughts* the idea behind this one is that is meant to do a salvo of rockets to "suppress" groups of enemies or do moderate damage to a single target with the chance to stagger/knockdown via the blast (or other) procs that are added to its weapon. damage amount would likely be anywhere from 5 to 25 per rocket hit  depending on how many rockets are fired.


*ability thoughts* i know this sort of steps on banshees sonar ability as far as enemy detection goes but it does not offer the bonus weak-spot or boast the range of banshees sonar. also the limited duration of the ability will still make enemy radar/sense useful for those who need the sense 100% of the time. (especially if the sentinel gets destroyed)


feel free to post your thoughts on this and your own ideas. i am curious to what some of you will come up with. 

That actually sounds really interesting.

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@OP. Interesting, I had a super similar idea, only the weapon was a baby grineer ogris, the name was Probe, and the skill was called lock-on, and it was basically a deathcube-type design but a sphere.

Weapon: Launcher, slow mini homing rocket like the grineer bombard's, does 20 blast damage over a radius. Uses rifle mods, of course.

Attack precept: Assault, sentinel targets nearby enemies, prioritizing enemies under lock-on. Leveling increases range, of course

Ability precept: Lock-on, lock-on an enemy to add a damage taken multiplier and display them on the map, leveling this ability increases the amount of damage bonus (1.1x, 1.2x, 1.3x etc). This ability can not be cast again while 'in-use' on a foe. An enemy under lock-on has a reticle aura to make them more noticeable. The base duration of the ability is 10 seconds and does not change. The ability can be immediately used again if the target is destroyed before this duration is up, and the sentinel has the energy.


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Shield Drone - Researched in the Tech Lab.

Weapon: Electric beam.  Low powered hits, but jumps to up to two additional targets (like Volt's Shock, but less jumps).

Attack Precept: Attacks enemies at range X, but only if your shields are maxed.

Ability Precept: Recharges/buffs your shields.  While it is doing this, it cannot shoot.


Healing Drone - Chem Lab

Weapon: Tranq Dart - Cold based, high status chance, but low rate of fire/damage.

Attack Precept: Attacks the last enemy to damage you.

Ability: Medicinal Nanobot Dispenser - heals friendly units nearby.

Ability: Stasis - when your health drops below 30% or you start to revive someone, does an AoE stun.


Acrobat - Tenno Lab

Weapon: Bean Bag Gun - shotgun, but only a single pellet per shot.  Has innate chance to knock mobs down.

Attack Precept: Attacks what you attack, provided it is within X range.

Ability: aura than enhances jump height, climbing speed, wall running speed, and 25% knockdown resist.


Gladiator - Grineer lab

High HP, shields, and armor.

Weapon: Rotary Flamethrower - Rotating fire attack.  No ammo limit.  Doesn't aim.  Goes around in circles while firing.  Short range.

Attack Precept: Brawler - Attacks any enemy in range, with bonus damage, but said range is short, as in melee range short.

Ability: Helping Hand - when you get knocked down, beams you with a buff that helps you get up 50% faster.

Ability: Adaptive Nanobots - provides hp regen for the Gladiator and buffs its armor.


Some other sentinel related ideas:

Weapon: slow firing grenade that creates AoE Gas damage type cloud.

General Ability: Repulsor  - Cone ability that pushes away enemies that are too close.

Edited by Axterix13
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