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Attempt To Reconcile The Mono/poly-Tenno Conundrum


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The fair warning act of 2014 suggests I state the following:

This entire discussion is predicated on the idea that DarkSector is the history of Warframe. If you do not believe this then this discussion is not for you and there are better places for that. I just would prefer my topic not be derailed into yet another DS cannon Vs. Not argument. There will be a topic for that likely in the next 20 minutes ^_^. As an olive branch I fully acknowledge that this is speculation and in another week DE could confirm the exact opposite.

Now assumptions made, we know that The Tenno would be technocyte infected humans that have some way to resist the madness and hive mind of the rest of the infested. This would likely take the form of the same analgesia as Hayden.

Now my proposal:


The Tenno working in small groups and eventually growing closer could form an individual hive mind when their personal goals and trust for one another begin to align. I theorize this would be possible in the same way that the infested did but less like a slavery to a central intelligence (in the case of the infested whichever boss happens to be near) and more like a democracy though both analogies tend to fall apart. For those who have played ME3 I’d liken it to how legion described the mental processes of the Geth.  This semi-hive mind would be represented by the player. This allows for both individual personalities and bodies as well as a centralized connective intelligence for the group.

This solves a few inconsistencies between warframe art design and gameplay mechanics such as if we each play a single Tenno how does He/she fit into both the Rhino frame and the Nekros as well as having apparent gender swapping abilities.


It would even explain some of the weirdness in boss communications. They would have their own thoughts about how the Tenno work but would never really understand it. If the Tenno didn’t tell them (and why would they?) then contradictory statements would not only be expected, but also par for the course.


Anyway those are my thoughts. Any thoughts on them?

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 I just came up with something that resolves a ton of general Tenno inconsistencies, the only one remaining would be the Tutorial reference to "Your original warframe was shattered" starting out in an excalibur suit. This is likely why Tenno aren't given set names (We define the names) and why bosses reinforce this (the latest being Grustag "Is that Grand-Dozer!?")


Basically the idea is that each Tenno is indeed an individual, but one that you define. Its why bosses refer to me as Grand-Dozer in a RHINO suit over <Insert Given Name> in a RHINO, or just RHINO. The names of the Tenno are the ones we give them. When you swap warframes you do indeed swap to a different Tenno, but the game treats it as if you were ALWAYS that Tenno.


Excalibur being the first warframe makes sense in that case, not the first TENNO but the first warframe meaning, if I choose to roll with excalibur the game treats it as if I was always an excalibur user, one of the earlier Tenno warframe users, yet if I choose a Rhino the game treats it as if I was always a Rhino user, thus a later Tenno. Same deal with primes.


When I change warframes, I become that Tenno. I can be Grand-Dozer the Rhino user, or Grand-Dozer the Frost user, but I am always Grand-Dozer sealed in that frame, I never change suits, just individuals and the game treats it as if you never changed at all, as if you were always Grand-Dozer in which ever frame you chose and still an Individual. 


Overall this makes things like Clans (a traditional Tenno community gathering confirmed to occur in lore) Its not just one Johnny the Excalibur on repeat, its a bunch of excalibur users with their own names and own defined personalities, but they were among the first of the Tenno in their case. At least, this is my take on things.

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Nah, DE like to keep their setting _grounded_ playing a hive-mind is _way_ beyond their comfort zone. Which is good because it would cause massive problems with immersion.


Who knows that they are a hive mind, why do they never mention it?

How do you address them?

Why don't they work together in a mission?

Why doesn't thin happen to clans?

Where does Valkyr's fury come from if it should be smoothed out in the not-a-cell (Whatever you're calling this hive mind group)?


It creates more problems then it solves

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Mono Tenno


I'll believe in my own Lore ideas since they make sense.


NEVER try putting gameplay logic into video game lore, the 2 are seprate entities and should be treated as such.


There's not much you can do on that front in this case, the game is quite sparse on general lore, and contradicts itself left and right between gameplay and lore. To form your own Lore idea runs in a similar vein, but its all any of us can do at the moment with the lack of information.

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