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Thought Over Stalker&grustag Three


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Hello fellow Tenno,


I read through a thread yesterday in which another fellow tenno explained that when Zanuka actually happens to catch a frame-> then this frame gets a mini-campaign in which he has to escape from the corpus from jupiter while Salad V taunts him.

My question now is, do the stalker & the grustag three also have something like that where the player gets thrown into a mini-campaign?

Maybe something like when loosing against the grustag, you may have to escape from a grineer base? Would be cool to see these as well.


And dunno, when i saw the scene on youtube it looked so epic to me. Would be much more awesome if the grineer might have come for help - not as an act of friendship and more as an act of honor and pride. Yeah I know that might be a silly wish, but it kinda seems like epicness when i imagine that a grineer ship would come and be like.

,,Tenno you weakling, we came to save you in the name of grineer.''

Edited by MihawkDulacr1
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Unfortunately, the Grineer aren't looking to take Tenno prisoners as far as we know.

Fortunately, they're not smart enough to just kill us, so when the Grustrag Three defeat you, they just put a restraining bolt on your Warframe that makes damage against Grineer lessened by some amount until you remove it.


And nothing happens when you lose to Stalker. You just die. Which is kind of how I like it considering Stalker's back story.

Edited by Nishmo
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