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Where Can I Find The Zephyr Parts?



14 answers to this question

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This is going to take me YEARS to get her




that thing below is your sig lol?


Anyways, it won't take years, but yes it will take a week or 2 almost, if you have joined a clan whose built tenno lab and zephyr already, then your lucky to build it earlier by just buying its bps.


The main problem comes from the research, as every parts of zephyr needs to researched through oxium + it's bp takes 3 days to be done researching first, and if you count altogether with research + manufacture cost  at overall with bp and parts, it's too much.., and if your in higher clan size like moon or storm clans.....i have no more words to say about that.


As once you build the tenno lab, you will know how big the requirement is, as it needs many ppl to donate resources just to research it, starting through bps, which i am not sure how much exactly it will require but it will need a LOT for donation, so it's best you should farm oxiums as much as possible, since researching is more troublesome than building, as it doesn't depend on clan size at all, but you might have to farm 4-6 runs of kappa to be able to build every single part of zephyr's bps.


So the rest depends upon you.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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This is going to take me YEARS to get her

well, another option is to trade together the plat you need to buy her from the market, frame slot and reactor included.




oh... and another note:

please stop using that 'sig'. it's too distracting from the actual post thanks to it's colour and size.

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This is going to take me YEARS to get her


Of course if it is going to take you years to get if you think so, that decreases your motivation a lot. In reality, it will take less than a week to get her, excluding the building times, of course.

Edited by Taikaponi
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Wow.... glad i farmed almost all the oxium needed to build her (600 oxium) in the last event, double drops really help when you're farming, i tried in Kappa but none of those damn oxium osprey showed up, not even one, i farmed my oxium in Xini defense mission, but it start to drop from wave 6 onwards, anyway, my zephyr its already being cooked in the forge  since yesterday :)

Edited by (PS4)Thiamath
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