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Action Based Solutions


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With the recent changes to the game I feel it necessary to bring up this topic again.

The reason why Grineer Light Hazards are so frustrating and annoying more than thrilling and challenging is that they offer no action based solutions. 
This is the same problem with why Bleed Procc, DoTs in general, and CCs, are so disliked, we have no ways of actively combating them. 

Mods are passive, as are gear/items. They do not provide a direct link to our action oriented mechanics. In a strategy or rpg, where 'action' is the same as planning and preparing the right set up of equipment for a mission these are fine ways to combat a situation.
But Warframe is an action game. It's entire purpose is to provide active solutions to problems it presents us with.
Gunplay, abilities, and movement are actions. And if we can not use one or more of these tools in a variety of ways to deal with a situation, that is a failure.

These are the ways we deal with hazards in the void
1. Diamond Skin
2. Alternate Path around them
3. Shoot out the hazards
4. Weave through them
5. Avoid activating them.

1 item based solution, 4 action based solutions
Each with their own risk, consequence of failure, and advantage.

These are the ways we can deal with Hazard lights
1. Lightningrod and other defensive mods
See the problem here? No options. Even if fixed so they're always visible, we still can't weave through them. And we still can't avoid activating them. And we may not even be able to find an alternate path consistently due to the abundance of cramped hallways. Leaving us with
2. Shoot out the hazards. 

1 Item solution, 1 active solution. 
This is not a healthy choice.

Mods and items are meant to define play style. Never force anyone to equip a specific one because it's the only way to deal with the situation.

So as a reminder to any one suggesting a new kind of hazard, a fix to the lights, a replacement, or putting anything in to the game ask yourself first, in what ways can a player deal with this situation? 
If you find yourself lacking in options, especially action oriented ones, look over your idea very carefully.

Thank you.


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I completely agree with you but I'm a little more radical and think that action should have a bigger role in the entire game. In the beggining (around update 7 when I joined) you had to act quickly to avoid the bullets and get your own shots in and bosses (though simple) were made challenging by this factor. Now all you need is a few good mods and you win just like that. It doesn't seem as interactive anymore and even though its still fun I think it should revert itself to the time before things got easy.

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Hmm, action based solutions to the broken lights...


Perhaps the lights pulse, letting out arcs of electricity every few seconds. When inactive it's safe to stand near them and pass by, but when active they'll deal DoT. In this case, there's several solutions.


1. Lightningrod/mods

2. Shoot out the light

3. Time your movement

4. Take a different path (not always possible, but remember that in Void, traps spawn in corridors and set paths too, not just in open spaces).


In addidion, there's the changes DE are making in the next iteration:


Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) Will do DOT vs (instead of) big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

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Hmm, action based solutions to the broken lights...


Perhaps the lights pulse, letting out arcs of electricity every few seconds. When inactive it's safe to stand near them and pass by, but when active they'll deal DoT. In this case, there's several solutions.


1. Lightningrod/mods

2. Shoot out the light

3. Time your movement

4. Take a different path (not always possible, but remember that in Void, traps spawn in corridors and set paths too, not just in open spaces).


In addidion, there's the changes DE are making in the next iteration:

That would be a much better implementation of them. 

Also thanks for the list of upcoming changes, might update the OP on speculations about these changes.

I'm rather hoping the DoT change isn't a sticky one, but only while in the vicinity of a light.

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Perhaps the lights pulse, letting out arcs of electricity every few seconds. When inactive it's safe to stand near them and pass by, but when active they'll deal DoT. In this case, there's several solutions.


Love this idea. Would be great if shooting them also created a huge pulse of AoE DD, so we can use it as a trap on our enemies.

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