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Anyone Have Any Ideas On What The Next Frame Will Be?


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It was mentioned on a Livestream (Don't remember which one) something about a "Time Lord" Warframe. Those were the exact words used, Time Lord. I can imagine he/she will be able to do some kind of Time Stop, suspend every enemy in range in stasis like Rhino Stomp for a limited duration. Maybe some skills that makes enemies slower or allies faster (Some kind of Fast Forward and Slow Motion). Maybe a teleport skill? All speculation here.

Edited by RexSol
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If De was wanting to stick religiously to the original frame idea poll from forever ago, then it would be the earth frame. But seeing as that was easily the least popular option, I wouldn't be surprised nor disappointing if they skipped it to do something else more interesting. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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If the next frame has to be (lame) earth theme i'm glad it's male. They should reserve the Ghost/Timelord themes for fem frames :D

XD well we can see where your bias lies. that said i have 7 frames all female.....

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Based on ye olde Design Council poll, an earth-themed frame is next on the list.

They said no to making an Earth frame



If the next frame has to be (lame) earth theme i'm glad it's male. They should reserve the Ghost/Timelord themes for fem frames :D

 one of these is right also if the frames follow a pattern Nova F, Nekros M, Valkyr F, Oberon M, Zephyr F, then the next frame will be male

Edited by Sasoka
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