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Warframe Resistances


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Ok so i was thinking about the different resistances and realized that, what if you combined resistances? Think of it this way. Ice damage and electric damage equals magnetic damage, right? Well, look at the chart below and tell me if this would work or not. I think it should.


Ice Resistance and Fire Resistance- Blast Resistance=for those pesky Grineer bombards and plasma grenades.

Ice Resistance and Electric Resistance- Magnetic Resistance- Not sure yet

Ice Resistance and Toxin Resistance- Viral Resistance- Toxic ancients, toxic crawlers, anything emitting fart gas.

Fire Resistance and Electric Resistance- Radiation Resistance- Not sure yet

Fire Resistance and Toxin Resistance- Gas Resistance- Toxic ancients, Toxic crawlers, similar to viral resistance.

Toxin Resistance and Electric Resistance- Corrosive Resistance- Shield sappers, possibly toxic ancients and crawlers.



Now im not saying anyone would use these, I myself don't even bother with resistances, but I figured hey, there's some people out there that use them, so here's my idea of what could happen.


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Magnetic resistance- Ancient disruptors, magnetic leaders, grineer sensor door traps


Radiation resistance- Void laser traps.


Also, @LoGicMoTion i didnt expect any1 to actually use them xD its just an idea i figured out that sounded creative.

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Also, @LoGicMoTion i didnt expect any1 to actually use them xD its just an idea i figured out that sounded creative.


magnetic could also make you immune to Anti-Moa blast waves, Stomping moas and would make you more resistant to corpus weapons

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The basic idea is nice...


Now good luck persuading DE to revamp the whole modsystem to make resistances worthwile. Otherwise majority of the players will still not give a damn about them... And even less if they would have to equip 2 resistances at the same time to create a combination.

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OHHHH I exactly had the same idea of yours! I really wish DEs will hear this! :)


We're gonna need Gas and Magnetic Resistance so much :)


By the way KFC - Toxic ancients do Gas damage to you (The proc status when you go near him.).

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