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1-Shotting Ruk





I've seen way too many people able to 1-shot Ruk even with his invulnerability phases; as soon as he's vulnerable he just pops like a grape.


Any idea how people do this? I've tried so many weapons already.

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A dread(catalyst) with decent crit build + split chamber can do it ( I just did earlier today helping out a friend to Ember's parts)..
My serration is only rank 6. Not sure how much punch-through Dread's charged attack does, but I added Shred & it went through just fine on the sweet spot..

Edited by Veridantus
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Hit his sweet spot, arm or back with enough damage that he never gets a chance to go invulnerable again, meaning hes dead. Multiple forma weapons with max mods will do it with just about whatever you are using. 4 Forma Brakk makes short work of all bosses, but that is merely one example. Bows work extremely well on him too.

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Paris Prime with Max Crit Build and Corrosive damage. If you have Roar from Rhino, even better. Just charge up the Paris Prime and wait until he opens.



If i remember correctly, Sargas Ruk only have one type of "armor type" unlike most ennemies.


Viral is better against him than Radiation or Corrosive.

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