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It Makes No Sense But I'd Love To See An Amphis Prime


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It was a good show... but the Amphis is a staff, not a bat...


I see nothing wrong with havong amphis prime....


It's tenno made right?

It's tenno made, out of grineer parts thrown together. If a primed staff comes out it'll be the bo.

Edited by rapt0rman
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It was a good show... but the Amphis is a staff, not a bat...





apparently the image on the wiki actually only shows HALF the Amphis:




I was going on the basis of that and sort of forgot it actually looks different from that ingame.


Either way each half of the amphis appears to have the same shape roughly as a baseball bat


Also well there is a known case of Grineer modding their tech with Orokin stuff (the Seer, remember?)

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HA, I see what you mean, something like one of these:


And suddenly I really want one in-game.


I wanna see a golden/Prime bat/kanabo because Paranoia Agent.



maybe someone can equip it and a Volt Prime (assuming one is ever made) with the speed  boost on and we'd have our own Lil' Slugger.

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