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Would This Be Acceptable As A Clan Emblem?



So, the current clan I'm leading needs an emblem. The warlords beside me and myself decided that we wanted to do something a bit different yet resonates with something we love. That thing happened to be Legend of Zelda. I looked it up on the forums and saw that the statement for copyright stuff is spotty at best and is case by case.


Since It's been four days since I've sent in the support ticket, I'd like to get the opinions of the community as well.



Emblem progress large



Emblem progress appropriate size.


I plan to replace the triforce in the middle with another one with a bit more detail on it.



Original thanks to Reptiletc


We'll also be changing to the name "Hyrulean Guardians", and We're not sure about the copyright on that either.

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Well, in my opinion the golden enblem looks fantastick, and it seems weird to me that someone would care about a clan inside a game using their picture or name because they love it, its kind of like a poster, and it represents the game, not a copy of the game and not the picture/name itself, also i dont think they would be bothered by a small group of people, but if it is a problem then feel free to check it, i just think its weird

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