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Coming Soon: Devstream #25


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Question 1: Will the character movement input ever be looked at again? There's a small but noticeable delay between pressing a key and jumping, rolling, wall running, blocking, etc. I know some are based on the weapon animations but jumping, rolling, or wall running get annoying when you try to maneuver around a level.



Question 2: Any plans to do a revision of the Rush and Maglev mods? It seems like a waste having to use both mods to keep the animation of a certain thing consistent. If you sprint, jump, slide in the air, and attack with a weapon, you lose momentum unless you have Rush equipped. At the same time, you lose speed when you air slide if you don't have maglev equipped. The frames that are faster than others also get more benefit from using either mods, so there's no way a slower frame can catch up to a faster frame unless a soft cap is introduced.



Question 3: This last one is about hosting and matchmaking; I noticed the matchmaking has been more aggressive or not working at all. I have my ping limit at 150 and I would join games that were really laggy but recently I don't connect as constantly to games. If I host a Void key or Orokin Derelict key with some of my friends with bad (laggy and stuttery) connections, they end up being the host. The only way to get around this is to get someone else to host it and then invite the player with the bad connection. There really needs be something that displays who is actually hosting and who is lagging / dropping packets.

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Amongst all these questions about epic changes and outrageously exciting conjecture, I have a question on a small and, to my knowledge, little-mentioned detail.


Have you characters considered having Corpus and Orokin ciphers in appropriate places? Instead of the rather perplexing presence of Grineer systems absolutely everywhere, even when hacking on Corpus ships and Orokin towers? And\Or the possibility of making a failed hack actually have negative consequences, which would give cell members who are good at hacking some actual value in some missions?


I'm probably alone on this, but I'm curious if you ever had any ideas along these lines?


Also: Seriously, thanks for all the work you guys have done so far, it's a great game and getting better!

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I'm probably alone on this, but I'm curious if you ever had any ideas along these lines?

You are not alone with this. I've pondered more than once what to make of a failed hack. Hack getting harder / more enemies appear / secondary mission objective happening / full blown switch of mission to either survival or completing the objective with a certain time limit before self destruct appears... possibilities are vast.

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Pc has these awesome particle effects. An example would be the Jat Kittag when you use a jump attack. On PS4, we don't have the option to set whether you want particles or not. We just get a not so awesome effect. Is it possible for PS4 to get this option? It would be nice and the more eye candy the better.

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My question is simply who I can talk to one-on-one regarding some ideas for future use that DE might want to incorporate. I would prefer not to post my ideas to the forum for fear of them being judged by the community before the developers, so if there is somebody that I could chat back and forth with, I would be very appreciative of knowing whom. Thank you for your time.



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Of course the streams on my birthday, looks like I'll be watching it on youtube...


Anyway I was mostly wondering what the time frame was for the release of the more endgame targeted content, because as of lately I've been feeling as alot of my time is wasted playing this game, without any way to use EXP or any real huge goal to strive for. 




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My question: Will the Braton Prime and Akbronco Prime receive a buff?


With all the Primary Prime weapons being quite strong, some older ones being buffed, only the Braton Prime is left being a "only-decent" weapon, but subpar compared to all others, especially the new Boltor Prime (not only in damage, but everything). It doesn't even have any polarities.


There's also the fact that for a limited time, if you have the money, you can gain access to one of the most powerful weapon in the game, while the Braton Prime has always been something you need to work for, and will always be. Even so, that weapon doesn't feel like it pays off for your effort, even though it should be on the same level.


Additionally, the Akbronco Prime also suffers a bit from the same thing. It's not as much of an upgrade compared to the Bronco Prime; some argue the single version is even better, yet this dual version takes more than twice the time (and luck) to get it.


Trading shouldn't be an alternative/reason for not changing some of these things either.



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My question is simply who I can talk to one-on-one regarding some ideas for future use that DE might want to incorporate. I would prefer not to post my ideas to the forum for fear of them being judged by the community before the developers, so if there is somebody that I could chat back and forth with, I would be very appreciative of knowing whom. Thank you for your time.




You shouldn't be afraid of expressing your opinion. :)

If anyone judges your good ideas (I guess) in this thread, I'll defend it. If a good suggestion can add a progress to the game, the venomous-tongue replies mean nothing

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Could you please reiterate the scope and purpose of the Badlands during the stream? Answers to questions such as where are the Badlands? What enemies appear there? What is the incentive to go there, for average players and those who are at 'end-game' level? And can Void drops please be discussed again, since credit caches are still the bane of my existence. Can't wait for PS4's next update!

EDIT: Speaking of updates, how do Tenno Reinforcements work with the PS4? Will we be getting the Grinlok and Castanas in the next update, and hopefully the new sentinel and syandana too?

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With the more recent frames looking so detailed and unique the older frames are starting to look a bit bland, is there any chance the older frames will get a visual revamp?


Will the Braton Prime Glaive Prime and Reaper Prime ever receive buffs? currently they're very lackluster and the Braton Prime and Glaive Prime are possibly the most difficult to obtain of all the primes.


Why do the new auras only have 3 ranks? shouldn't they have 5 like all the others?


Why aren't Orokin Cells and Morphics drops in the void?


is Frost still being tweaked? if so could you please give the freeze back to Avalanche? the CC was very useful.

Edited by Roland-Blunts
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yeah harder event would be nice .

just an idea . it would be nice to have tenno clans dojos invaded from time to time as alers that only clan members can attend .

also are you planing to make longer missions 

i was thinking if you  are planning to add another galaxy ? or big void places.

do you ever consider the chance to let play with the other factions at some point


hoping to get any info on this 


great game .

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At max level It takes helios 8 second to scan an object. can that get buffed or a exseption to targeting put in so he dosn't kill everything he trys to scan? I run sweeper Just to make modding easer, As its scaning it tends to one hit anything under level 20 or without hevey armor/shealds.

Edited by NERNS
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I asked this question previously before the last livestream but I got no answer.


I'm just wondering that its been quite a while since we heard about the grineer sisters, or the corpus board of directors (and what they were doing with the warframes.) yea I know vay hek's been getting a lot of attention but what about these old characters that were introduced early on in the game as lore....can we hear more about them in the future? in relation to lore, does Digital Extremes have a separate unit that is designated to solely work on lore for Warframe? or do several other units combine to work on lore and release it in a certain time when deemed most appropriate according to what other content (new frame, new maps, events) is also being released?

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