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Rhino Prime Design Perfect?


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Nice job with RhinoP - but seriously: whats up with the rotating water valve nevertheless on the back (where else could it be stupid me:) and the love handles?

For those who don't know what i mean just google it but i wanna spare u the mental health dmg here...

(but if you do maybe search results won't be NSFW and your head - and in case of RhinoP of course they had to be golden x)

Why not a golden BF egg cup 4 RhinoP -> would be much funnier imho...(and not that i care that much but has it gotten smaller or is it just me?)

Other than that i like the new design. I really do.



Edited by kazenioware
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That rotating value thing reminds me the old mechanical wind-up doll key.


That's what I thought when I first saw them. But from his statue in the codex, I thought that the design on his hips were AkBronco, turns out their just gold accessories, Rhino's got to go in style.

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That rotating value thing reminds me the old mechanical wind-up doll key.



Two pictures first came to my mind. Some DaDa inspired installation (Dada is an art form btw) and a wind-up doll.

Thank you, Auxeus. While writing i forgot about that one :-)


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Rhino Prime...


With a valve in the back of his head...


Then that means Rhino Prime equals...




Rhino Prime is the third Male Prime Warframe...


And he was released in March, the third month...


He also requires three components to be built...


And three days to actually build...


So we know what this means...



Edited by USIncorp
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once again rhino gets all the love, rhino rhino rhino , rhinos everywhere that the eyes can see so sick of noskill rhino noobs everywhere 


Maybe, but i didn't mean my favourite frame to play, i meant the design of Rhino.

According to that, i like Excalibur, Frost, Vauban and Rhino.

Not so much frames like Oberon (which looks like Medusa meets Rocky Horror Picture Show) or Valkyr (i like playing her though).

Most frames could look much cooler. But many of them have design "flaws". Again, i am just talking about the looks NOT the gameplay. I know, i know, it's a point of view, but that's how i feel about the design of the warframes.

Call me superficial^^.

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