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Carrier's Vacuum Trigger Bug Resulting In A Severe Fps Drop


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Seems like the Carrier's vacuum is triggered like crazy at this point of the map for no apparent reason, resulting in a severe FPS drop.

As this bug triggers the sentinel's ability a huge number of times per second my FPS dropped really fast, and stayed like that till reaching the extraction point, inmediately reaching the usual 60 frames again. I've seen people complaining about huge FPS drops in Survival (+20/25 mins) and Defense (+20 waves), maybe caused by the new vacuum effects introduced in the latest update 12.5.0. I can expect the same performance loss in a long mission, so I bet some platinum it's related =P

Notice I usually run the game at max settings at a solid 60fps, but the video starts at ~50fps after staying under the camera a few seconds before I started recording.


Edit: Grammatical terrorism almost fixed


Edit 2: Solved with v12.5.1 Thanks DE for this quick fix. Topic can be locked. Issues being still reported, look at the fellow AngelOfAnarchy's post below.

Edited by Yakraan
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I hope you dont mind but i linked this video on another thread. i have had a similar issue though mine was not nearly as intense as yours or maybe I just havnt hit the "sweet spot" for it to go nuts like that.


Of course! I hope it helps. I'm gonna test it in the new 12.5.1 hotfix to see if it's solved.


Edit: Yep, solved with v12.5.1 Thanks DE for this quick fix. Topic can be locked. Issues being still reported, look at the fellow AngelOfAnarchy's post below.

Edited by Yakraan
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Not for me, tested about 2 mins ago after patch.


That's bad =( don't know what else DE could have changed about the Carrier to get such bad performance  besides the nasty sound and visual effects that thankfully were removed in the last hotfix. As of now, those effects were reverted and the concrete issue I pointed out seems solved. Obviously your problem goes further into that direction and indicates there's something still buggy or not well optimized.


I'll update the OP to mention your post and hopefully DE may take a second look into the Carrier. Could you please try the same stuff but with some other sentinel if possible to confirm it's only related to the Carrier? Thanks!

Edited by Yakraan
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