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Could This Work? (Warcry Focused Valkyr)




shield capacity
sprint speed
power duration
power range
power strength
power efficiency
group health restored
power cost
power duration
enemy speed

The idea is to maximize life and armor while also adding some duration for Warcry upkeep.

Rage is to get energy as you will be taking alot of health damage, and Equilbrium is there to even out the energy/hp loss.

The point is to be durable.


As I don't know if what the wikia say is true about Warcry applying after steel fiber, this may just be a waste. But... I would like to try :P

With 114.5% armor bonus on top of 600 + 110% you get quite alot of armor giving some nice damage reduction (~90%)


Now the question is, should you dump narrow minded for energy effiency, use the skill more often and have better range, or should it stay?


What are your thoughts?


ps: I don't like the way Valkyr is stuck in melee with Hysteria, and Trinity will likely get nerfed to oblivion soon enough anyway.

Edited by Lactamid
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12 answers to this question

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Try this build http://goo.gl/sU19jF only costs 3 forma same benifits and you get her ult with good time and max damage and decent cost also warcry at half the cost and only a lose of like 8 seconds in duration


yeah i wouldnt of forma'd for a rejuvination aura do steel charge for melee damage max out hystaria's melee multiplier max out her armor max out warcry max out vitality then go for effecincy strength and duration

with the one i posted you get a super tanky frame that can hit like a train. While she is alting she gains 5% of the damage she deals as health and with rage you dont have to even take half your health as damage before you can apply hystaria again then go out and kill things and your full health again just run warcry till your low health then pop hystaria to regain the health rinse and repeat

Edited by frostthejack
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Try this build http://goo.gl/sU19jF only costs 3 forma same benifits and you get her ult with good time and max damage and decent cost also warcry at half the cost and only a lose of like 8 seconds in duration

I think the whole point of this build is to not use Hysteria though, like the rest of the Valkyrs.

Though personally I still wouldn't use any of these builds. Ripline is too fun of a skill to remove.

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I think the whole point of this build is to not use Hysteria though, like the rest of the Valkyrs.

Though personally I still wouldn't use any of these builds. Ripline is too fun of a skill to remove.

and my link is kind of like that but rather then use rejuvination to get health back you use hystaria to get health back its not a pure hystaria build and its not a pure warcry build it relies on the strengths of both to give a great solo mission frame and it only needs 3 forma's as apposed to 6

Edited by frostthejack
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I've just forma'd her for the first time now and currently I'm having troubble with upkeep and energy so we'll see where we'll go.


34 seconds isn't that much time for 80 energy. might have to do the standard energy siphon thing on her. which i relly don't like having to rely on

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Try this build http://goo.gl/sU19jF only costs 3 forma same benifits and you get her ult with good time and max damage and decent cost also warcry at half the cost and only a lose of like 8 seconds in duration


yeah i wouldnt of forma'd for a rejuvination aura do steel charge for melee damage max out hystaria's melee multiplier max out her armor max out warcry max out vitality then go for effecincy strength and duration

with the one i posted you get a super tanky frame that can hit like a train. While she is alting she gains 5% of the damage she deals as health and with rage you dont have to even take half your health as damage before you can apply hystaria again then go out and kill things and your full health again just run warcry till your low health then pop hystaria to regain the health rinse and repeat

^This. Warcry is very viable. Its what i use and it is worth a few forma to bulid for.

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I love my valkyr and she is my main. I did try the war-cry build but wasn't too keen on it. I prefer the Dual Ichor War-cry/Hysteria build for end game missions and void runs. Although i do admit the war-cry build is very viable and so much fun, all in all, I do enjoy me some carnage with her hysteria build.


This is what I use for her.



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I love my valkyr and she is my main. I did try the war-cry build but wasn't too keen on it. I prefer the Dual Ichor War-cry/Hysteria build for end game missions and void runs. Although i do admit the war-cry build is very viable and so much fun, all in all, I do enjoy me some carnage with her hysteria build.


This is what I use for her.



Im surprised. War cry with power strength mods will double your swing speed, while making you near invincible and halving your enemies movement speed. Its better than hysteria, because you can still fire weapons.

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