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Trinity Or Vauban?



I've recently come into a decent a bit of plat. With that said however, I've come to the end game and have the warframes that I like the most. Ash, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Nova and Rhino. Obviously, they all serve there purposes... and I'm starting to lose a bit of interest in the game. I feel like I'm only interested in the two named above. Aside from a few weapons to get, I have everything in this game I want.


So... out of the two, which one is the most useful and refreshing?



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I've recently come into a decent a bit of plat. With that said however, I've come to the end game and have the warframes that I like the most. Ash, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Nova and Rhino. Obviously, they all serve there purposes... and I'm starting to lose a bit of interest in the game. I feel like I'm only interested in the two named above. Aside from a few weapons to get, I have everything in this game I want.


So... out of the two, which one is the most useful and refreshing?



Loki. Or Nyx.

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Both have fairly stationary playstyles, in either case your job as them is to keep X ability up as much as possible.


If you want something refreshing try something like Loki or Banshee who need to use multiple abilities in combination to do their job. excalibur can also be quite fun to play. However I'd farm for most of the above frames, rather than buying them.

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They are just different. You can have tons of fun with Vauban, his tricks never get old. With Trinity you will feel like god, the fate of the party in your hands.

Both are game changers.

I'd say get both, Trinity is easy to farm so you don't have to buy her, use the plat on slots, buy Vauban if you must.

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Well, Trinity can go God Mode but otherwise there's really nothing too "fun" about her abilities (except maybe using Blessing+Link and shooting grenades at yourself). Personally I feel that Vauban's abilities are a lot more entertaining and versatile: you can play it safe and lay down a Bastille or vortex, or you can strap a bunch of Tesla's to your buddies or lay down a few dozen Bounce pads and watch hilarity ensue.


Vauban's also a lot harder to get than Trinity, so if you don't want to wait for alerts to get his components, he's probably the more ideal frame to use your platinum on.

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Vauban is a one trick pony who absolutely dominates in that particular scenario.


That scenario is: ODD or defense infested invasions.


Yeah hes got some good CC that can come in handy for other situations...but hes got awful stats, very squishy, and no real means of damage via frame skills.


Trinity can turn a pug full of noobs into indestructible gods..so she has much more use in game.  If you have a group of friends who love ODD...and you run it often...Vauban turns those runs into epic farm sessions...but really outside of keeping melee only mobs that don't run in stasis...it gets tricky with range mobs since they don't all run into the bastille stasis field...and his uber vacuum skill is expensive to use...the one that will suck in all the range mobs, melee mobs, and loot into one singularity...


Trinity can remain in 100% god mode indefinitely, and keep your team in semi god mode nearly 100% of the time.

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