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Rhino Prime Golden Iron Skin Feedback Megathread


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First off, I completely and totally disagree with your opinion stating that the 'Old' Iron skin is 'superior' in terms of style.  I say this for multiple reasons:

1.  It was Grey.  The DULLEST color imaginable.

2.  It was blocky, and didn't even cover all of Rhino.

3.  The 'rocks' did NOT fit in with the idea of 'SKIN' when I pictured the word IRON SKIN.


Second off.  This, again, is just my personal opinion but, I feel like the 'Golden' or 'New' Iron Skin is justified because:

1.  It is a PRIMED WARFRAME.  Keyword.  PRIMED.  99.999% of anything Orokin related has GOLD SOMEWHERE on said items.

2.  It is the next step in Primed Warframe differentiation.  Before Rhino Prime there was no REAL difference between a Primed Warframe and a 'Vanilla' Warframe save for 'Goldylocks parts' and 'MP switches' in the void.


Thirdly.  Although I completely agree that a turning key is not what I wanted in Rhino Primes image, the Art Director Mynki (sorry if I spelled your name wrong) has stated before that he gives each warframe their own...drawback.  Its the equivalent to banshees Clod/Clopper shoes and so on.


Fourthly.  How can you even ATTEMPT to bring realism into a Sci-fi game.  I repeat.  SCI-FI.  That means, SCIENCE FICTION.  Keyword.  FICTION. What you did is like asking why no one in Harry Potter used guns.  Or why no one in the Lord of the Rings just used a Cell Phone.  On top of THAT pure iron is soft.  Softer even than Aluminum.  And last time I checked you can crush Aluminum foil in your hands similar to toilet paper


Fifthly.  Calling anyone who does not agree with your...choice of style...a moron only implies that you yourself are both small and closed minded.  If you REALLY dislike the 'New' Iron skin THAT much then simply continue to use the 'Vanilla' Rhino.  That way, you keep your 'Old' Iron Skin, you don't have the spinning key on your backside, and you don't end up looking like an unintelligent individual whining about not getting exactly what he wants, how he wants it.


Giving you're the only one to give a complete and intersting answer, i'll take ur response as quote.


Yeah ok i heard you very well, and I see some things are wrong on my side. But there are some too on yours. Ok the first skin was grey. IRON SKIN. You like keywords, then take IRON. Iron is grey. And there alrady are some gold parts on Rhio Prime, that would probably look awesome if the Iron Skin don't recover them, letting a contrast beetween the grey, the gold and the energy reflects on the Iron Skin. That would be really good-looking. And not just a Rhino full-plated of gold. Think about that. I recongize the first Iron Skin wasn't perfect, but this one is ugly to me. Besides, i know since the first post some people like it full gold, that's why i asked for an option to switch beetween grey and gold skins, and not just for a fiw to return Iron Skin to normal. Take that in consideration too (and the morons saying my opinion is better than anyone's else too).


By the way, some realism can make a game better, but i have to recognize we already have living weapons, frames with mystic powers, maybe i can pass that throught. Oh yeah, a foil. Maybe it's a foil on Rhino ? Oh sorry i didn't mind. Of course you can crush any metal foil in your hands moron !! Even titanium if you want to !! But go ahead and try to wreck a cube of iron, RIP to your hands.


And yeah i said people asking for this skin are morons, but that only means they have weird tastes. Sorry for misunderstanding. And no i prefer the Prime for a good reason : better look in general, and it's faster. Giving i dislike the vanguard helmet, i prefer to keep the Prime with it's base helmet, and with higher speed.


So, in conclusion, i repeat all i asking for is an option to switch beetween iron and gold skin, to make everyone happy and to offer more customization options.

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And yeah i said people asking for this skin are morons, but that only means they have weird tastes.

Well, in my opinion your taste is wird. So it's 1:1.

Understand that: nobody will change how Iron Skin looks on Prime just because you don't like it. Like it or not, but your single opinion doesn't matter. Deal with it.

Majority of players begged for Golden Skin since Rhino Prime got introduced. And now majority got what they want. That's how it works. Nobody listens, or even should listen to and fulfill the every wish of minority. Otherwise there'd be law of Sharia everywhere on the world.

You are a minority. Hell, a single cause I dare to say. Nobody cares about your opinion.


Choice to switch between? No. Because Golden Skin is what makes Rhino Prime Prime. Same goes to the Golden Bits on the rest of Prime gear. They should never be recolorable.

It's his design. Rhino Prime with old, blocky, tinfoilskin would look almost exactly the same as regular Rhino.


Primes are supposed to be Primes, they are supposed to blind you with their golden bling.


If you don't like it so much - slap a Forma and Arcane Vanguard on your regular Rhino and here you go!

Edited by Angius
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Giving you're the only one to give a complete and intersting answer, i'll take ur response as quote.


Yeah ok i heard you very well, and I see some things are wrong on my side. But there are some too on yours. Ok the first skin was grey. IRON SKIN. You like keywords, then take IRON. Iron is grey. And there alrady are some gold parts on Rhio Prime, that would probably look awesome if the Iron Skin don't recover them, letting a contrast beetween the grey, the gold and the energy reflects on the Iron Skin. That would be really good-looking. And not just a Rhino full-plated of gold. Think about that. I recongize the first Iron Skin wasn't perfect, but this one is ugly to me. Besides, i know since the first post some people like it full gold, that's why i asked for an option to switch beetween grey and gold skins, and not just for a fiw to return Iron Skin to normal. Take that in consideration too (and the morons saying my opinion is better than anyone's else too).


By the way, some realism can make a game better, but i have to recognize we already have living weapons, frames with mystic powers, maybe i can pass that throught. Oh yeah, a foil. Maybe it's a foil on Rhino ? Oh sorry i didn't mind. Of course you can crush any metal foil in your hands moron !! Even titanium if you want to !! But go ahead and try to wreck a cube of iron, RIP to your hands.


And yeah i said people asking for this skin are morons, but that only means they have weird tastes. Sorry for misunderstanding. And no i prefer the Prime for a good reason : better look in general, and it's faster. Giving i dislike the vanguard helmet, i prefer to keep the Prime with it's base helmet, and with higher speed.


So, in conclusion, i repeat all i asking for is an option to switch beetween iron and gold skin, to make everyone happy and to offer more customization options.


#1 "Iron is Grey".  I would like for you to search up the word "Pyrite".  The term you should find is called 'Fools Gold'  Iron can also be golden sir.


#2  As I said before.  The 'Vanilla' Iron Skin doesn't cover most of the warframe which makes 'protection' questionable, not to mention less fashionable with the...blocks.  Although I wouldn't mind seeing some of my energy color in there, little 'blocks' of it are not what comes to mind.


#3 "By the way, some realism can make a game better..." Again, bringing realism into a science fiction game defeats the purpose of it being science fiction in the first place.


#4 ''Of course you can crush any metal foil in your hands moron !!''  Last time I checked Titanium Foil isn't flexible enough to retain its shape after folding, not to mention its tougher than steel (which is made from iron, go figure) and lighter than aluminum.  And if you call me a moron again, I will personally disregard all of your future opinions and forget you exist.  Do not be disrespectful.


#5  ''But go ahead and try to wreck a cube of iron, RIP to your hands."  That could be said for almost anything solid.  Even ice, which is (normally) by far much weaker than Iron.


#6  ''And yeah I said people asking for this skin are morons, but that only means they have weird tastes."  You are using the word 'Moron' incorrectly then.  A 'Moron' is a person with some sort of learning difficulty and or impaired social skills.  That implies an offense.


#7. "I prefer the Prime for a good reason : better look in general, and it's faster."  If you say it has a better look then why gripe so much about one minor detail, calling everyone who does not share your exact mindset a 'Moron'?


#8  "So, in conclusion, I repeat all I asking for is an option to switch beetween iron and gold skin, to make everyone happy and to offer customization options."  So far, you are literally the only person I've seen complain about this. I will admit I have not gone LOOKING for complainers, but also, that when I asked what the general public thought about the idea of having a golden Iron skin, it was a unanimous approval.


If your intentions are as simple and innocent as you say they are then I suggest you work on your communication and vocabulary skills.  Calling people out of their names will not get you the support you need to have the kind of influence to get the change you want.

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Its possible the gold coloring from rhino prime's iron skin is due to oxium. Oxium has a golden color to it, and a large number of primes have gold (looking?) adornments on them.


It'd make sense if the adornments were made of oxium. Gold is quite heavy and would slow a warframe down or make some weapons harder to use, and oxium is considered to be lighter than air and of Orokin origin.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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He has a decent point. It would be nice to change the tint color of the Iron Skin. 

Yes, that would be a decent alternative, till we'd get a complete rework of Iron Skin visual effect that would satisfy everybody.

To each his own taste, and I don't have a perfect answer to that, mind you, but as Iron skin's main problem was the lack of visual identification as a Prime induced by the all-covering grey skin, i feel that turning that effect to an all-covering gold skin was, design-wise, a step in the bad direction.

Warframe customisation is an important part of playing the game as i see it, identification to game characters reinforces your commitment to the game, which means you play it more, and feel inclined toward buying more options, namely colours and special skins, which brings actual money to the game. Having the same gold statue as everyone ? Who cares about paying options when 90% of the time you won't get to see them ?

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Yes, that would be a decent alternative, till we'd get a complete rework of Iron Skin visual effect that would satisfy everybody.

To each his own taste, and I don't have a perfect answer to that, mind you, but as Iron skin's main problem was the lack of visual identification as a Prime induced by the all-covering grey skin, i feel that turning that effect to an all-covering gold skin was, design-wise, a step in the bad direction.

Warframe customisation is an important part of playing the game as i see it, identification to game characters reinforces your commitment to the game, which means you play it more, and feel inclined toward buying more options, namely colours and special skins, which brings actual money to the game. Having the same gold statue as everyone ? Who cares about paying options when 90% of the time you won't get to see them ?


This is a great post.  I'd just like an option to change the gold skin to something less... gold, or covering.  Some people really like it, that means the art team has done well enough.  For those that dislike this, I'd simply request the option to change it:  because right now, i feel incredibly uninclined to play my Rhino Prime.

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This is a great post.  I'd just like an option to change the gold skin to something less... gold, or covering.  Some people really like it, that means the art team has done well enough.  For those that dislike this, I'd simply request the option to change it:  because right now, i feel incredibly uninclined to play my Rhino Prime.

Why, thank you. You know you can upvote posts you like so that maybe, maybe, someone at DE reads them (Crazy, i know)

The gold/orokin alloy tint in that power isn't actually a bad idea; it's the implementation that i criticize. Having some more gold details on a warframe that has gold trims already wouldn't be disruptive at all if the effect itself was well thought about. Iron skin as it is for now looks like a layer of molten metal over the character, it's a bit goofy but we might use nano-machines as an excuse to that.

Now, what could we invent instead ? I've read great ideas about some additional armor plating forming over some parts of rhino, i like that idea because 1) only the most exposed parts of a body armor would need reinforcement, namely the torso, head and shoulders and 2) it makes me think about ablative armor that was present on some tank designs, and isn't Rhino a walking tank ? Having a goldent trim on these plates for the prime and not on normal Rhino would be a way to make everybody ok with that, while keeping the color theme.

Now, what if Iron Skin was some kind of personal shield generator ? Think something body-covering but see-through, like the shields in Frank Herbert's Dune.

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Angius pls show me a poll where this so called "majority" voted and choosed gold skin, i havent saw anything like this in these forums and i would rly like to see poeple voting and choose that gold skin or the old iron skin, if you cant show me a poll where people voted and choosed pls stfu you are ridiculouse

Edited by Darkeus
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I love seeing some of the opinions of people saying we shouldn't be allowed to change iron skin back and forth. I hate too much gold and not sure if people noticed but hes damn near covered in it with his new iron skin. I dont like it, i don't care about the majorities opinion, i dont give a damn if they dont care about mine. I want the option to switch, theres gold on him already that's enough to show hes prime. 

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There was no poll, but there were tons of topics asking for it. And no voice against it whatsoever. Therefore it was the will of the majority.

Well, by the time i bought my rhino prime, Iron Skin was already changed to gold, and i got it pretty quick. It was a complete surprise to me, i had no idea this gold stuff thing was being discussed on the forums because i didn't search the forums specifically for information about Rhino Prime until i got it.

 I expected it to be exactly like rhino, with different skin and one more polarity (just like all the other primes). How can people voice what they want, or not, when the only ones to actually have a clue are those who paid for it in order to get it quickly, and when the only information available on the issue is to be earned by combing the forums ?


Angius pls show me a poll where this so called "majority" voted and choosed gold skin, i havent saw anything like this in these forums and i would rly like to see poeple voting and choose that gold skin or the old iron skin, if you cant show me a poll where people voted and choosed pls stfu you are ridiculouse

It's no use Darkeus, the only answers i've had so far are that the moderators had to merge "a ton" of topics together, but i've never had a count of exactly how many of these topics there were.

It's all about the way DE surveys the forums in order to get information: a thread has to be viewed/replied to a lot, or there are several threads asking about the same thing and the moderators have to merge, or, if i remember well, a post has to be upvoted about 150 times (Yes, the small green square in the lower right corner of posts, yes, we barely ever notice them).

It's a big problem for us Gold Skin haters because entire forum wars could be waged without DE ever knowing about it, and if anyone ever uses profanity of any kind, then they are quick to close the thread. On the other hand a minority of vocal forum users seems to be able to force DE to do things without any afterthought, as was proved by this whole gold rhino change.


If, let's say, 40 players wanted Loki to have a fish tail, on the account of him already having a hammershark head and if they open 40 threads asking for it, would it be enough incentive for DE to do it if nobody voices against it ? The forums are huge and it could go rather unnoticed by the average warframe player as the moderators merge more and more threads together.

Even of you feel that something is the right thing to do doesn't mean that it is actually the best decision to take. It's the same for us all. My pro shark-loki faction and I could swear that it's the right thing to do, that Loki is obviously a shark, produce photos of sharks, threaten to leave the game if Loki Prime doesn't feature obvious shark features (I know he's wearing a jester outfit and not a shark, but that's not my point :)   ) Would it make our claim valid ? I don't think so.


Moreover, this game is a beta and is subject to many quick experimental changes, good ones that are kept and improved upon, bad ones sometimes, that need fixing, and by playing a beta game we all agreed in providing feedback in order to make it a better game.

There is a process for that: post requests on the forums, they get noticed, usually a vote is made by the design council in order to choose the better solution and then DE has its last word on the affair. It is a long process but it has worked so far and it brought us warframes, weapons, sounds effects and soon more weapons, a turret, new foes... Was that call for a vote done ? Nope ! Design council is the only subforum i check daily, i'd have seen it.


I bought my Rhino Prime pack about a week after it got out and i got a nasty surprise. Would i have still bought that pack if i had known about that ugly effect ? Probably but i would have weighted the pros and cons ( not so great scarf compared to the previous one, useless prime distiller extractors, the fugly gold skin could have been the nail in the coffin). Still, some goodies thrown over a big platinum purchase is nice.

Do you want a refund for that pack ? No, i'm a big boy, i can take responsibility for my choices.

Why didn't you keep normal Rhino if you don't like the new Prime ? I did, i still have both but i would like to be able to enjoy my recent purchase.

Would you have wanted to know about that golden effect in advance ? Hell yes, when you are sold a product you want to have as many information about it as possible. Why wasn't it a line added in the description of that pack in order to inform us on all the differences that Rhino Prime has over classic Rhino, so that we know exactly what we are buying ? Something like: "For now and according to forum vote, Iron Skin is tinted gold for Rhino Prime."


I think that this change was poorly thought about and quickly implemented into the game in order to satisfy the minority of early buyers of the Rhino Prime pack while saving precious game develloper time. The folks at DE do a tremendous amount of work and are always on a tight schedule and diverting someone's attention from more urgent work in order to do an unscheduled entire rework to Iron Skin was surely out of the question but why not put it in line now ? Why keep that golden repair patch when we can build a nicer golden bicycle ? I already explained my view on a possible rework, it would make everyone satisfied with Iron Skin, the normal and the prime one alike being both ugly and covering too much of the frame, everyone agreed on that ! Oh, and it would be an incentive to buy further customisation options with platinum, wouldn't that make the game progres as a whole, with an actual source of income ? Because for now they all look the same, no point to invest.

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