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Banshee's Sound Quake



Hey Guys i just wanted to start this topic to inform everyone that watches the forums that Banshee's Sound Quake actually glitches out your character 9/10 times even if you press the ability and wait for it to finish. The glitch is Banshee pretty much gets glued to the ground. It stops your frame being able to move, attack and even using your abilities doesn't work. The only way to reset this is to down and use a revive to reset your character. Downing after the glitch actually allows you to move around again and shoot, however your abilities no longer work until you actually revive with your 1/4 revives.


This makes leveling Banshee very difficult


Thanks in advance BoxHeadBen

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its been this way for a very long time now

how long is 'very long'? a week or two? I was using her a month or so ago and never ran into this issue. so it sounds like one of the recent updates broke soundquake. I'll have to check it out myself, I kinda wanted to play around with banshee again recently, so this is kinda disappointing

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how long is 'very long'? a week or two? I was using her a month or so ago and never ran into this issue. so it sounds like one of the recent updates broke soundquake. I'll have to check it out myself, I kinda wanted to play around with banshee again recently, so this is kinda disappointing

I've gotten this once in Void survival, another on Venus survival. Both before U12.

Grineer Seekers also like to walk right through Sound Quake without getting staggered.

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