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Helios' Auto Scan


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I personally don't like the auto scan feature. Since everyone is going to use that rather than the original scanner, it makes the manual scanning feature rather pointless. If you wanted people to scan more, you should've made completing the codex more rewarding, not make it easier. Now there will be no effort involved for getting all the scans, and you'd might as well have no scanning at all, and just make the codex progress when you encounter an enemy, since that's what the scanning experience will be for 90% of the players because they're using Helios.


I don't know, maybe I'm just mad since I had scanned EVERY enemy and object in the game using the manual scanner, and now that achievement will be less significant when what took me months of devotion will take one month of no effort for most others.

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It scans EVERYTHING, even if you don't need it.  Containers?  Scanned.  Panels?  Scanned.  The 35024 Grineer lancer?  Scanned.


It's buggy, it's weapon isn't very useful, and it has the ONLY sentinel weapon you can't put on another sentinel.


Once people hit 30 with both the sentinel and the weapon, it'll be back to carrier and sweeper.

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dont have him yet, so i cant confirm this...

i hear that the auto scan is lame, not to mention that his (helios) attack is rather lame as well.

its so bad, that its on par with that other sentinel that nobody uses... whats its name again? (oh right, nobody uses it, so nobody remembers it)




do you actually have him, and have you tested if the scan is even useful enough to be used?

Edited by alchemistjkt
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Considering the stuff like Stalker, Harvester and the Grustrag 3, which are stuff that people ought to scan yet forget to do so in the heat of battle, or rarer units like Lobber Crawlers that easily die, I can see how the Auto Scanner is useful in that regard. Though I am biased in this regard due to me actually liking to scan things. Having the ability to look up weaknesses ingame instead of having to Alt + tab out and get the Wiki is a good thing imho.


It's not like there isn't a trade-off for using the Helios: by using it you're not using the Carrier, which is still the most useful Sentinel of all.

Edited by LGear
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