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Did Grineer Seekers Always Hit So Stupidly Hard?


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So I was playing on the Orokin Reactor alert on Mars a couple hours ago (level ~16-18 Grineer), and I was enjoying crowd-clearing on my Vauban... until I suddenly died. Like, straight from near-full shields and health to zero in barely a second.


I thought that I just lost track of my shields and such for a bit until I revived, played through a bit more, got to the second terminal, and watched as a single Seeker took enormous chunks out of my health at astounding speeds. Its shots seemingly pierced right through the shields-- and I'm not talking about bleed. It would deal, like, 40 shield damage and 40 health damage in one shot without causing any status effect.


So after this, I started playing carefully. Using cover, popping a Bastille whenever a Seeker was spotted, etc. I made it through the second terminal without much issue.


Then I got to the artifact. It was all going nice and dandy; I was just happily clearing away mobs until I noticed that there were a couple lone Grineer that were getting close to the artifact thing. So I ran ahead, ready to mow them down, when suddenly, Scorpion harpoon. In the time that I was stunned by the harpoon, I watched helplessly as two mid-leveled Seekers reduced the artifact's health from full to zero, with nothing I could do about it. That has to be at least 1500 damage in less than four seconds. For a couple of level 18 common fodder soldiers, that's simply insane.




So, erhm... Exactly how long have they been like this? I have no recollection of them doing any actual shooting until very recently, but honestly, they're hitting way too hard for their level. I haven't done any testing on high-leveled Seekers yet, but I have a feeling that the only way to avoid getting two-shotted past level 25 is to have a damage-negation ability such as Blessing or Invisibility.

Enemies have needed some sort of buff for a while, but not like this.





TL;DR Seekers make napalms look like children with water guns.

Edited by SortaRandom
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1 word:


The Kraken... that weapon has been my worst enemy since U7. I pretty much hate them more then all napalms, bombers and eviscorators combined. I adore the viper seekers because normal kraken ones are the reason why I pull my electric shield in 8 out of 10 situations I decide I really need to pull it.


If only I could get that burst across the longest hallway with no recoil as they can...

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+ we clearly can see that on every shot that weapon wants to jump off from hand like a kangaroo where it is suppose to live. They seriously hits stupidly powerfully and generally most annoying units. [because of high health and by far worst scaling]

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Usually whenever I die in a Grineer defense mission, it's because of a Seeker. Just tested in Narcissus and the Seekers in the first 5 waves took my shields from 860 to 470 in one burst, while the latchers exploded for literally 0 damage. On the plus side if you're playing as Nyx they'll brutally murder everything else in the wave for you. :D

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And yet there Latchers only do like, 30 damage even in high level mission. You would think those would be the higher threat. Anyway yeah, for some reason once you reach a certain point Seekers go from being pushovers to being better snipers than Ballistas are (Maybe those seekers are using multishot mods).

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No they are complete joke in comparison too corupted gunners and nepalms.


Nepalms can hit you through the door, wall behind the cover, have larger aoe of knockdown, stupid amount of armor.


Corrupted gunners their gorgon at full speed is fastest thing i saw in game weapon wise, only  our wipers and grakata are on par with that.


Also large armor, knockdown etc.


Dont need damage reduction for seekers even on Pluto outer terminus, but those 2 above will kick your &#! if you dont cc them.


Only diferense between Corupted gunners and nepalms are, on later lvs nepalms are more damage haxed and gunners are more armor haxed.

Edited by SALE94
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