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Helios Reworked


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Investigator : maxed mod will be insta-scan. Never rescan a full scanned target !!! Targeting receptor : 50/50/50 for slash/impact/puncture(at least). Maybe increased ranged/fire rate. Even like that ppl gonna prefer Carrier for Vacuum precept on high end missions. Thoughts? Tyvm.

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I think coding it to scan things you dont have maxed would be a issue since it would need to constantly pull information from your codex. They could make it so it only scanned mobs though, not the windows or console's. This way its not wasting a scan for a  mob that you kill in less then two second sometimes. As well as increasing the range of the scans and scan time required. Instant might is a bit much but 1 second is a fair time for a max mod.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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I dont think it would be too much of an issue.

The game knows whats in your codex, so it should be fairly simple to first check what your scan numbers for a target are and then move onto the next if you've scanned them all. At least if the codex is coded decently...

At least at that point it wouldn't waste 40 scanners on mobs that I have maxed scans on.

At this point its just wasting the scanner charges. And for what? 50 affinity?

As it is the investigator precept is just a waste of money.

And its not even a sure thing because if there is one mob you want to scan in a horde you have to hope that he either gets to that mob quickly, or that you can manage to not kill that single mob until he finishes his painfully long scan times.

In all cases where you would want him to scan a mob you can probably do it faster and easier with no draw-backs.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I dont think it would be too much of an issue.

The game knows whats in your codex, so it should be fairly simple to first check what your scan numbers for a target are and then move onto the next if you've scanned them all. At least if the codex is coded decently...

At least at that point it wouldn't waste 40 scanners on mobs that I have maxed scans on.

At this point its just wasting the scanner charges. And for what? 50 affinity?

As it is the investigator precept is just a waste of money.

And its not even a sure thing because if there is one mob you want to scan in a horde you have to hope that he either gets to that mob quickly, or that you can manage to not kill that single mob until he finishes his painfully long scan times.

In all cases where you would want him to scan a mob you can probably do it faster and easier with no draw-backs.

 My experience with coding is limited I do admit so it might be easier for them to make it to scan mobs only you need. I can't really say ether way so I just assume it would be a pain..

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The reason I say it wouldn't be too hard (and I code for a living) is this:

There are already functions that when you scan an enemy it goes to the codex and updates the scan counter by 1.

So the codex object always knows how many of X you have scanned.

So it shouldn't be hard to either add a function to the codex to tell you "You've scanned Y times out of Z for this object". Then the helios calls that function and checks to see if Y and Z are the same. If they are then it moves to the next target.

That would be the simplest way to do it I could think of...and there are probably better ways but I dont see why DE hasn't done it yet.

But I was excited for helios until I saw what it did...

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Maybe make the scan a secondary attack on enemies that already are fully scanned? Or better, some sort of debuff (speed, damage or aim penalty?), or a scan that actually allows you to deal more damage to the affected target (would be mostly useful on "HP bags" I know, since most enemies die fast).

AND make the scan instant with a short cooldown maybe.

Why instant you ask? Well my fellow Tenno the answer is obvious! Because it would be the only good reason most players (that aren't lazy^^) would use it, since we can scan a lot faster than our new pet! Why not make it really useful, or at least good at what it's supposed to do?^^

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I guess I'll weigh in.  I don't have Helios yet since I don't want to spend platinum on it, but it's pretty obvious what it does.



The problem is, filling up the codex is not useful. It shows us what specific enemies are weak to, it shows us what their stats are, what they drop, and if they have any lore known about them.  The thing is, all of this can be gotten from the wiki. The information the codex gathers is not unique to each player, which means only one person needs to find out and then they can tell everybody else.  There's a certain amount of pride or bragging rights one gets from having a completed Codex, but you're still left with the problem of Helios' special unique feature essentially having a planned obsolescence: once your Codex is filled up, there is nothing this sentinel does for you that is unique. Contrast all the other sentinels whose unique features remain applicable for the foreseeable future because they add gameplay ramifications (stealth, damage, loot-grab, knockdown) rather than out-of-gameplay knowledge.


What I would do;


1.) Make codex-scanning a rare mod that can be used on any sentinel.  Give this mod maxed out, and a second copy unranked, to current Helios owners.


2.) Make Helios' unique feature a scanning debuff that it can apply to enemies.  Every 5 seconds, Helios will select the strongest target within <x> meters, scan it, and apply a <y>%  debuff to that target's damage resistance. Give this mod maxed out, and a second copy unranked, to current Helios owners.

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Tested it in an OD where I have everything but 2 scans from electric crawlers.

Never once came across an eletric crawler.

My scanner charges dropped from 85 to 73.

So yes, whether or not the item is fully scanned (or even in the codex in the case of the canisters in the derelict) it will use up a scan charge whenever it manages to scan something.

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Yes and yes.

It will scan any scannable object in range (one at a time, this is mobs and boxes and windows and control panels) and then it will use up a charge.  So it can mean wasting a bunch of charges because Helios will scan things you've completed or dont have a purpose for scanning, such as destroyed item containers.

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