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Spring Cleaning

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Hey guys and gals. Well it's that time of year where we wanna clean everything out and start a new. For me its stuff i've been collecting since i started the game. Look i'm not trying to break everyone's bank, there is just a few things that i am getting so tired of farming for at this time. So i figured help you to help me and it will be a great time for all. I mostly play during the evening here so just message me one here or in game. I'm not gonna put an prices up because things change way to quickly so just hit me up and we can go from there. Hope you find what your looking for. Happy Spring.



-Rifle Amp (Rank 1)

-Rifle Amp

-Physique (Maxed)



-Enemy Radar

-Energy Siphon



-Fired Up

-Coolant Leak





-Focus Energy (Maxed)

-Killing Blow

-Melee Channel (Rank1)

-Organ Shatter (Rank 2)

-Power Throw (Rank 1)

-Heavy Trauma (Rank 2)

-Reflex Coil (Rank 3)



-Barrel Diffusion

-Ice Storm



-Blaze (Rank 1)

-Hell's Chamber

-Point Blank (Rank 4)

-Ravage (Rank 2)

-Shred (Maxed)

-Thunderbolt (Rank 2)

-Vicious Spread

-Vital Sense (Rank 1)

-Wildfire (Maxed)

-Cryo Rounds (Rank 1)

-Infected Clip (Rank 4)

-Tactial Pump (Rank 1)



-Narrow Minded (Rank 4)

-Constitution (Rank 1)

-Enemy Sense


-Natural Talent

-Streamline (Rank 1)




-Ankyros Bp

-Boar Barrel

-Boar Reciever

-Boltor Barrel

-Boltor Barrel

-Boltor Stock

-Braton Bp

-Burston Stock

-Dakra Set

-Ember Chassis

-Fang Bp

-Fang Handle

-Frost Chassis

-Latron Receiver

-Mag Bp

-Mag Chassis

-Mag Helm

-Orthos Bp

-Paris Lower Limb

-Reaper Bp

-Rhino System

-Sicarus Barrel


Well alright guys and gals, that's my rant thank you for the time.

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