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Dragon's Teeth Clan Lore.


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Was written with inspiration from the games own lore, such as the Stalkers recriminations of the Tenno in his codec entry.

Dragon's Teeth clan lore:

We were there long ago. At the Terminus, the gold Emperors, breathless, imprisoning us in their cold grasp. Celebrating their victory.

We waited for the right moment to come. Biding our time. Then came the sound. Across all their worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums beat. A reminder of the hand that chains us. Ten solemn beats that mock us, now our signal, our chance to be free!

When the ninth beat rang, we let loose a torrent of blood on all their world's. The drums stopped and the Empire fell silent forever. The Emperors vanquished, our chains broken at great cost, and as their false insurance they unwittingly sowed the Tenno like dragon's teeth through out the solar system.

Today we awaken to festering wounds. A place bereft of freedom of justice! We fight once more for our, Tenno cause. To right the damage it took to free us so long ago. We will build an oasis, a beacon of liberty, a sanctuary amongst the ashes of the old world.

Arise Tenno, the naga drums call you to battle once more.


Our dojo and clan is based off of the Spartoi Cadmus myth. The dojo being named Thebes for instance. In our dueling room we even use the drums. :-)

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