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Your Doing It Wrong: Cause Broken Lights Wherent Op Enough

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Well I'm not too happy with arc traps based on the fact they aren't very Grineery at all, also it's more just taking the broken lights and hammering them down through hotfixes till enough people stop complaining and in my opinion isn't a very thought out plan. The lights are a bad idea, they aren't adding anything of real quality to the game. 

I do think grineer should have some traps but more in their vein of thinking. Like manned fixed heavy calibre turrets which do tonnes of damage but have a slow rotation speed or perhaps some kinda of delayed trip mine type affair. Electricity isn't really their element nor would it make sense to waste such large amounts of energy on such devices. 

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I actually enjoyed the new arc traps. They are easy to spot and so far managed to stop a few lower rank rushers. Not sure if it's effective for higher tier missions, never played one so far as I'm still ranking up my trinity. Not to mention the traps do wonders with link! Nothing beats seeing grineers being shocked after being almosted blinded and killed multiple times by the broken lamps the past week. The traps work, and can be used by the players too. So gameplay wise, DE did a amazing job with the arc trap.
That said, I do agree with SolemArgentium's point above. The design of the traps don't look nor feel grineerish at all. Grineer ships tend to be rather dim compared to the other environments, which i assume to be power shortage issues. The arc traps in fact seems like it's a corpus invention instead.

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We tried to politely tell them to remove the broken lights and give productive feedback (i didnt some other fans did) and we got the Arc Traps wich essencially are Broken lights that wont go off so yeah im going rant mode on this one.


Maybe they don't want to get rid of it?  Has anyone thought of that?

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To me, they are just annoying.


They could have like fixed objects that are scannable but dont show up in the codex, added another supporter Frame with a skill that makes the group gain 1,5x exp, added an achievment for 1000 stealth kills, made a mobile intercept mission type thats a little creative (like assault missions in UT), made a mission type where the skills of certain frames are required (for example Loki/Ash has to sneak through a room with enemys that can 1hko anyone and open a door for the team etc)


Of course arc traps that zap you and make your monotone grind more tedious are great  too...yea.

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i fell really bad for reposting but there are like 6-10 threads for the same probem:


There are two different probems: new tenno get killed pretty fast and veteran Tenno simply Rush though them!



I think i have a great solution: make the traps like "beartraps" the player who runs straight into them (becasue they are about to rush the mission) get stuck for some seconds in place or knocked back ... to make it extra painful we could offer a helping hand to the players who are stuck in those traps to release them earlier!


Its a Win/Win for all!


They only get trapped if they dont look ahead and they wont look ahead if they try to rush!

And with this its extra shameful if a new player "helps" a veteran player out of a trap because he wanted to rush XD

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i fell really bad for reposting but there are like 6-10 threads for the same probem:


There are two different probems: new tenno get killed pretty fast and veteran Tenno simply Rush though them!



I think i have a great solution: make the traps like "beartraps" the player who runs straight into them (becasue they are about to rush the mission) get stuck for some seconds in place or knocked back ... to make it extra painful we could offer a helping hand to the players who are stuck in those traps to release them earlier!


Its a Win/Win for all!


They only get trapped if they dont look ahead and they wont look ahead if they try to rush!

And with this its extra shameful if a new player "helps" a veteran player out of a trap because he wanted to rush XD



And a Solo player that just wants to end a mission fast will be f***ed the hardest, as usual. All of my no, mate.

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I have actually found the full spectrum of Grineer forcefields and Grineer traps active on a Saturn mission, Grineer map, but Corpus controlled.

Is there some lore that says that the Grineer can't use Corpus tech on Corpus maps they control but the Corpus can use Grineer tech?

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