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Lephantis Death Animation....not Animating


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Ran a Derelect Assassination with some clannies and noticed that Lephantis seems to have lost all ability to have an animated death. This is for all three heads in the first part and when you kill the last head on the second part. Also note, that the first two heads in the second part will explode as usual, but all the other death animations are missing, and it looks as though lephantis just freezes for the duration of the animation that is supposed to be there. Would post screenshots, but it is rather hard to post animation glitches like that in a still image.

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It depends on Warframe abilities in cases like this.


There was more than likely a Rhino in the group. I hate stomp for this very reason. You can't always tell when things are dead because they either just float in the air or do nothing at all.

This was not a problem with a Rhino. Death animations did not occur, and they just disappeared.

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