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Vectis, Dual Gremlins, Hate Mods Suggestions



As you may have seen in the title, I would like to know what standard builds are for these weapons, as these are my choice of going further in game ( curently they are crafting). I am a new player, (30 hours of gameplay), and since I will have these weapons soon, I want to know on what mods I will need to have on each weapon. Also I have another question for you, is it good to start maxing out my abilities first on the warframe, then ? Like spending money on fusing them to be more powerful until they reach their max?

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As you may have seen in the title, I would like to know what standard builds are for these weapons, as these are my choice of going further in game ( curently they are crafting). I am a new player, (30 hours of gameplay), and since I will have these weapons soon, I want to know on what mods I will need to have on each weapon. Also I have another question for you, is it good to start maxing out my abilities first on the warframe, then ? Like spending money on fusing them to be more powerful until they reach their max?




first max what u need

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Thank you for the answers guys, I pretty much got an idea about what to do for now.

Vernoc that build is good judging by the numbers, I will go with that for Vectis. As for Hate, going to make it as a charge weapon, like Darzk said( whatever mods would imply that). And of course I will try to raise my Trinity abilities first of all.

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