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Reaper Prime And Latron Prime Mod Build?



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Do you find that the Latron Prime doesn't suffer from the heavy caliber mod? Haven't leveled mine beyond a few ranks out of fear of the accuracy loss.

just no , i use hc in every weapon at max and no weapon rly suffers from it

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Ok so not many people seem to be giving reaper builds and only latron build so with reaper get a max fury on it, scythes are slow and can feel clunky when you started with fangs I was that way. Between reaper and hate, reaper needs more of a standard attack build while hate would need a charge build easy quick build would be fury pressure point reach as a base you can add elements to it for more damage they work well with it imo and if available a jagged edge

Edited by Sasoka
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Hammershot is not worth it, you'll be dealing higher DPS if you replace it with an elemental mod.

who cares for dps?

hammershoot makes the weapon stronger then a elemental can ever do

look at the status chance, look at the crit, and hammershoot makes it universal good

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just no , i use hc in every weapon at max and no weapon rly suffers from it

Then you must have Parkinson's to begin with in order to not notice the difference on ANY weapon.

To answer the question at hand, yes you certainly notice a difference at extreme long rage shots but it's hardly noticeable at mid to close. For the Latron Prime anyway. Anyone who tells you they can't tell the difference between no Heavy Cal and Maxxed Heavy Cal on ANY gun in the game is either lying, completely obtuse to the world around him or trollin'.

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Also, to answer the OP in relation to the topic, if you're new I doubt you have Malignant force so ignore those screen shots. Just people trying to show off. Hammer shot is by and large a DPS loss but the proc increase may be worth your time depending on the elemental mods you add for each faction. Some Procs are just bad.

The STAPLE mods you're gonna be slotting are:

- Serration

- Split Chamber

- Vital Sense

- Point Strike

- 2 elemental mods (dependent on faction)

The last two are purely up to preference. If you're not keen on Heavy Cal's accuracy drop off then you can always substitute for the faction specific DPS mods (Banes). Some people prefer extra ammo because in later difficulty Survivals you reload a lot more often. I personally cannot understand how anyone can use a Latron without Shred. Next to Split Chamber and Serration Shred is probably the best DPS gain you can slot for Survivals and Defense missions.

On sheet DPS won't reflect Shred's actual value but when you're dropping 3 mobs a shot you'll never unslot Shred again.

For Reaper you REALLY wanna buff that charge damage and charge time. Fury is always a good choice as well.

Edited by Trickshaw
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Then you must have Parkinson's to begin with in order to not notice the difference on ANY weapon.

To answer the question at hand, yes you certainly notice a difference at extreme long rage shots but it's hardly noticeable at mid to close. For the Latron Prime anyway. Anyone who tells you they can't tell the difference between no Heavy Cal and Maxxed Heavy Cal on ANY gun in the game is either lying, completely obtuse to the world around him or trollin'.

nice how some people get rude


and i totally disagree


i don´t said there is no spread, but it´s not that big, imo no disadvantage

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Reaper Prime is honestly one of the worst melee weapons in the game imo, considering how hard it is to get. Its pretty shiny tho, and has swag. As far as Prime Melee weapons go, Orthos is the best, followed by Dakra and Glaive Prime. Fang and its prime were beast in damage 1.0 now its just meh. 


I don't have a Reaper Prime, but looking at it on wiki id go with this: Pressure Point, Fury, Spoiled Strike, Jagged Edge, Elemental combo. This leaves 2 mod slots open you can use for whatever you want, for MAX dps throw in a Faction % damage mod and another element. For quality of life you can throw in a reach mod. For Style/Shiny weapons throw on melee channel.


Just wait for melee 2.0 to completely destroy this build, lol.

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Reaper Prime is honestly one of the worst melee weapons in the game imo, considering how hard it is to get. Its pretty shiny tho, and has swag. As far as Prime Melee weapons go, Orthos is the best, followed by Dakra and Glaive Prime. Fang and its prime were beast in damage 1.0 now its just meh. 


Well, Fang Prime still has a stronger charge attack than Orthos Prime, so I'd keep it up there, certainly above the Glaive Prime which is totally facestomped by the Kestrel.


The STAPLE mods you're gonna be slotting are:

- Serration

- Split Chamber

- Vital Sense

- Point Strike

- 2 elemental mods (dependent on faction)


You can build without crit mods for higher damage/shot, even if it is less damage over time. I'd rather kill every shot than overkill every crit and have to shoot twice when I dont crit.


But for sure once enemies stop getting one-2 shottable you want to go crit build, and aim for headshots.

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Hmm, what? It deals less damage and is slower... Not to mention pathetic range.


Deals more damage because of Rending Strike.


Same mods:


Fang Prime: http://goo.gl/KDxdZZ 3138.22 dmg/charge attack


Orthos Prime: http://goo.gl/FguiB8 3107.8 dmg/charge attack


But yeah Orthos is better because of the larger range, no denying that, just FP really isn't all that bad.

Edited by Darzk
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Deals more damage because of Rending Strike.


Same mods:


Fang Prime: http://goo.gl/KDxdZZ 3138.22 dmg/charge attack


Orthos Prime: http://goo.gl/FguiB8 3107.8 dmg/charge attack


But yeah Orthos is better because of the larger range, no denying that, just FP really isn't all that bad.


Use Molten Impact instead of Rending Strike on OP and you get bigger number.

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Use Molten Impact instead of Rending Strike on OP and you get bigger number.

But Fire is bad against Gunners. If we're talking just numbers, replace one of the 60% Corrosive event mods with 90% Fire and FP is back ahead.


But really both builds should be using Reflex Coil, so.. meh

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