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Sentinel Rehauls And Tweaks


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Alright, time for me to actually talk about sentinels and fix them up a bit!


First off, this main idea is built upon another one, a rehaul of modding made by Trenggiling

In essence, that allows you to mod for three different things, individual from slots and modpoints:

* Combat mods = Everything related to powers, stamina and survivability (Flow, Quick Rest, Redirection)

* Power mods = Equipping your abilities (up to 4 for Warframes)

* Utility mods = Everything related to utility, situational and niched bonuses (Such as Thief's Wit, Enemy Sense, Flame Repellant etc)

* No matter which tab you are in, you will always see your aura and "helmet" bonus as well (now a mod, gained from buying/crafting helmets!)


So that said, I'd do the same for Sentinels and open up a whole new world for them and how to mod them!

Sentinels would have the same 3 categories, with the same sorting and all:

* Combat mods = Everything related to their powers and survivability (Like Redirection etc, but more to specific ones later!)

* Power mods = Equipping your generic aiblites (up to 4 per Sentinel, and more to those later!) plus one extra, the defining ability for the sentinel, only equippable on that very sentinel (such as Crowd Dispersion, Ghost etc)

* Utility mods = Everything related to utility, situational and niched bonuses (Such as Spare Parts etc, but once again, let's speak about those later!)

* No matter which tab you are in, you will always see your sentinel's attack precept (a unique slot for that, similar to auras on warframes), which are now more interchangable, but also has lots of rehauls.


NOTE: All the above is not NECESSARY for the following changes below, but it would certainly make modding for Sentinels (and Warframes) more fun. Anyway, on the thread's actual meat:


These are the specific ideas I have:

1) Attack precept changes

2) Sentinel revive gear item

3) Each individual sentinel

4) All sentinel mods (changing them up and adding new ones!)

Let's get started!



The attack precepts gets a huge revamp

1) They are now interchangeable between the Sentinels

2) The attack precept gives a percentile (15%) rangeupgrade per rank. The base range is instead determined by the equipped weapon.

3) The attack precept determines how your sentinel attacks when put in AGGRESSIVE mode. There are also 2 other modes (DEFENSIVE and PASSIVE). Defensive mode is like having Shade's Revenge attack precept equipped. Passive is like having no attack precept on.

These 3 modes can be switched on the fly in the mission, with a new button (for PC). On top of that, to help PS4 players, whenever you have your gear menu up, there will be a button to use in there so you can switch between the 3 modes (should also exist for PC) and three icons to indicate which mode the Sentinel is in.

4) Each attack precept is now also completely changed. They determine how the Sentinel chooses its targets. More to that in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4).

5) On top of that, there is also a toggle button underneath the attack precept slot. This button switches between LOCKS ON and ADAPTS.

* ADAPTS means that the Sentinel will constantly check for a new enemy to attack which fulfills the attack-precept's conditions, even if the previous target is not dead yet. In short: "Constant target-switching based on target condition".

* LOCKS ON means that once the Sentinel has acquired a target based on the attack precepts condition, it will shoot that enemy until that enemy dies, even if there is an enemy in range that fulfills the attack precept's condition better than its current locked on target does. In short: "Shoots the chosen target until its dead".



Doesn't it irritate you when your Sentinel dies from all the random aoe-attack (Toxic Ancients and Grineer Napalms, I'm looking at you! -.-)? Thus I propose a new Gear item: Sentinel revive! This gear item could simply be that it could revive your Sentinel if it's dead, and if the Sentinel is alive, using it would restore its health/shields and everything to full! Would come very much in handy imo! It could be created in the labtech or something like that. I have no specific details for how to create it etc, but the general idea sounds neat doesn't it?



Time to talk about each individual Sentinel, their weapons and their power and see what could be done about them!

Note that there might be quite some big changes, so read carefully!



Weapon: Laser Rifle

Unique power: Crowd Dispersion

Attack precept currently used: Warrior


Current role: Crowd control sentinel & Crappy automatic weapon

New role: Crowd control sentinel & Crowd-debuffing automatic weapon


Laser Rifle - Needs a big buff! Increase it to this:

* Impact: 4

* Puncture: 6

* Slash: 0

* Magazine: 20

* Status: 10%

* Projectile speed: Doubled

Also, due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 15 meters


Crowd Dispersion - This ability scales really weirdly. There is no point in going up from rank 3, but there are 5 ranks...

So, I rescaled (and buffed) it:

* Range: 5/6/7/8/9/10 meters.

* Damage: 50/60/70/80/90/100 Magnetic

* Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Usability note: This ability can be cast while the Sentinel is still shooting! It will not interrupt its attacking anymore!


Warrior - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Wyrm. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)



Weapon: Deth Machine Rifle

Unique power: Vaporize

Attack precept currently used: Swift Deth


Current role: Single-target focused Sentinel & Focus-fire weapon

New role: The same


Deth Machine Rifle - Could need a damagebuff to fit its role better:

* Impact: 2

* Puncture: 2

* Slash: 4

* Status: 2%

Also, due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 15 meters


Vaporize - This ability also scales a bit weirdly. From rank 3 and onwards, only its range scales, but not its damage or anything else.

So, I rescaled it a bit:

* Range: 2,3/2,6/3/3,3/3,6/4 meters.

* Damage: 100/200/300/400/600 Radiation

* Cooldown: 30/29/28/27/26/25 seconds

Usability note: This ability can be cast while the Sentinel is still shooting! It will not interrupt its attacking anymore!


Swift Deth - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Dethcube. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)



Weapon: Burst Laser

Unique power: Ghost

Attack precept currently used: Revenge


Current role: Stealth sentinel + Crappy weapon

New role: Stealth sentinel + Quickfiring "hit & run" burstdamage weapon


Burst Laser - Needs a very big buff to fit its new style:

* Impact: 5

* Puncture: 5

* Slash: 5

* Rate of Fire: 2,5

* Reload: 2 seconds

* Status: 5%

* Projectile speed: Doubled

Also, due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 15 meters


Ghost - This is a bit unclear how it scales, besides increasing the triggering range.

So, with some estimation, I rescaled it a bit and gave it some more uses:

* When no more enemies are around to trigger the cloaking effect, it will still last a brief moment after that! This will be illustrated by the cloaking effect blinking, rather than being constant.

* After the Sentinel (and you) are completely out of stealth after Ghost's effect, the Sentinel gets a hefty damage buff for its next attack (if used with the Burst Laser, that means the whole first burst!)

* Range: 4,5 / 5 / 5,5 / 6/ 6,5 / 7 meters

* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds

* Afterlasting duration: 1,25 / 1,5 / 1,75 / 2 / 2,25 / 2,5 seconds

* Sentinel damagebuff: 40/80/120/160/200/240% bonus (remains for up to 10 seconds on all ranks)


Revenge - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Shade. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)



Weapon: Stinger

Unique power: Fatal Attraction

Attack precept currently used: Thumper


Current role: Tank/Crowd controller + Sniper weapon

New role: Tank sentinel + Sniper weapon


Stinger - One of the better sentinel weapons. Only gets some tiny buffs:

* Status 10%

* Projectile speed: Tripled

* No longer has a curving projectile, but is instead perfectly accurate (It should resemble the "sniper" of Sentinel weapons after all)

Also, due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 30 meters


Fatal Mystical Attraction - Quite the garbage skill, really. More or less gets a complete revamp:

* Activates when X (say 4?) alerted amount of enemies are within a certain acivation-range or whenever the Sentinel's owner gets attacked.

* Upon activation, Djinn creates an aura around itself, which causes all enemies within its range to get increased aggro towards Djinn (very likely they attack it), while Djinn gets a shield around itself (the current visual effect). This shield makes Djinn invulnerable for the duration, and on top of that a small percentage of the damage absorbed HEALS Djinn!

* Activation range: 20/22/24/26/28/30 meters.

* Aura range: 22/24/26/28/30/32 meters

* Aura / Shield duration: 2,5 / 3 / 3,5 / 4 / 4,5 / 5 seconds

* Healing absorbtion: 1/2/3/4/5/6% of damage absorbed

* Cooldown: 30/29/28/27/26/25 seconds

Usability note: While this ability is lasting, the Sentinel can still shoot!


Thumper - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Djinn. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)



Weapon: Sweeper

Unique power: Vacuum

Attack precept currently used: Striker


Current role: Item pickup sentinel + Heavy duty shotgun weapon

New role: Healing sentinel (placeholder idea) + Heavy duty shotgun weapon


Sweeper - Probably the best Sentinel weapon of them all, and the one I have used as the benchmark for the other weapons! So, no changes needed at all!

Except, due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 6 meters


Vacuum - Probably the most helpful ability in the game and also the reason why most players ALWAYS use this Sentinel. This is due to the skill being a QoL fix, rather than a combat-assisting ability like all others. But is that really right?

So here is the idea: Vacuum is now a GENERIC power (like Regen, Guardian etc), so ANY Sentinel can equip it.


Thus, Carrier needs something an ability to make it more combat-assisting, like all other Sentinels. I am not really sure what could be a fitting replacement, but I at least suggest this:


- Cure -

The replacement for the loss of Vacuum. It's a healing-oriented ability:

* Every time on cooldown, Carrier emits a curing wave, healing all allies within its range. In addition, whenever an ally within range suffers from a debuff, Carrier will attempt to remove the debuff and place that debuff on the attacking enemy instead (if it was an enemy source, otherwise it just removes the debuff)!

* Healing cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds.

* Healing radius: 20/22/24/26/28/30 meters.

* Healing done: 10 health (overhealing repairs shields instead)

* Cleanse cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16/15 seconds.

* Cleanse radius: 20/22/24/26/28/30 meters.

* Cleanse chance: 50/60/70/80/90/100% success rate.


Striker - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Carrier. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)



Weapon: Deconstructor

Unique power: Investigator

Attack precept currently used: Targeting Receptor


Current role: Scanner sentinel + "Close combat" glaive weapon

New role: I have two ideas for this:

1) Melee-enhancing close combat sentinel + "Close combat" glaive weapon
2) Glaive-throwing & melee-enhancing sentinel + Short range laserblade melee weapon


What to be said about the ideas:


No matter what version:

* Investigator becomes a GENERIC power (like Regen, Guardian etc), so ANY Sentinel can equip it. It serves no purpose to be an (intended) MELEE Sentinel's unique power. It is a very niched power anyway and helps even less than Carrier's Vacuum in combat!


Version 1:

* Keeps the Glaive as its weapon

* Gets a new power which strikes closeby enemies with a "solar blade" attack, which sets them on fire and enhances melee damage done to them (The fire to fit its name better)


Version 2:

* The Glaive becomes its unique power. It has more range, more damage, still staggers 100%, homes in on X amount of nearby targets while bouncing around and ALSO enhances the melee damage done to the targets that are hit.

* Gets a new "solar blade" melee weapon, functioning a bit more like a fiery whip / long range fire sword (The fire to fit its name better)


In the end, both versions focus on the same thing: Enhancing melee damage and fitting its name better in with its power/weapon.


Now to the details of each version:


Version 1:

Weapon: Deconstructor

Unique power: Solar Blades

Attack precept currently used: Targeting Receptor


Role: Melee-enhancing close combat sentinel + "Close combat" glaive weapon

Deconstructor - As it is now, it is VERY wonky! It barely attacks, but sometimes it attacks 3 times in a row. Very unreliable, and that needs to be fixed!

* Reliably attacks targets within its range

* Needs to work with Pressure Point (and similar) or Killing Blow (and similar) to boost its damage!

* The relaunch time before it can launch a "glaive" again after its return could be reduced by Reflex Coil (and similar)

Due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 4 meters


- Solar Blades -

The replacement for Investigator. It emphasizes the Sentinel's name and melee role. What it does:

* Whenever an enemy comes within a very close range, Helios strikes out with several long and quite wide fire"blades" around it, attacking enemies at random, within a range greater than its triggering range. Targets are attacked randomly and each "blade" strike can cut through several units at once.

* The blades deal damage, staggers them and debuffs the affected targets so they suffer more damage taken from melee attacks.

* Activation range: 2,5 meters

* Striking range: 3,3 / 3,6 / 4 / 4,3 / 4,6 / 5 meters

* Amount of strikes: 5/6/7/8/9/10 strikes

* Strike interval: Once every 0,25 seconds

* Damage per strike: 40 Fire damage

* Melee weakness: 10/20/30/40/50/60% more damage taken from melee attacks (and all the Sentinel weapons too?)

* Melee weakness duration: 6/7/8/9/10/12 seconds

* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds.

Usability note: While this ability is lasting, the Sentinel can still shoot with its weapon!


Targetting Receptor - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Helios. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)


Version 2:

Weapon: Solar Blade

Unique power: Deconstructor Punch

Attack precept currently used: Targeting Receptor


Role: Glaive-throwing & melee-enhancing sentinel + Short range laserblade melee weapon

In this version, it's pretty much the opposite of version 1:

* The Deconstructor is now its power

* The "Solar Blades" becomes its new weapon

While this version requires more work than version 1, it has greater capability of allowing its weapon to work on the other Sentinels too! To the details:


- Solar Blade -

An entirely new weapon for Helios. It works more like a form of fiery whip/sword, which lashes out against nearby enemies, which can hit several foes at once with each strike! Here are its details:

* Accepts melee mods

* Can hit several foes at once (max 3?)

* Damage: 40 Heat

* Rate of Fire: 1

* Magazine: 6

* Reload: 2 seconds

* Status: 15%

Due to attack precepts now giving a percentile range boost, each sentinel weapon needs to have a base range. Thus:

* Base range: 3 meters


- Deconstructor Punch -

The replacement for Investigator. It emphasizes the Sentinel's melee role. What it does:

* Whenever an enemy comes within range, Helios shoots out its little "glaive", which strike the target, then bounces out to several other targets.

* The "glaive" now is homing, never missing!

* The "glaive" deals damage, staggers and debuffs the affected targets so they suffer more damage taken from melee attacks.

* Activation range: 6 meters

* Bouncing range: 3,5 / 4 / 4,5 / 5 / 5,5 / 6 meters

* Amount of bounces: 1/2/3/4/5/6 strikes (up to 7 total targets)

* Damage per strike: 125/150/175/200/225/250 Impact damage

* Melee weakness: 15/30/45/60/75/90% more damage taken from melee attacks (and all the Sentinel weapons too?)

* Melee weakness duration: 6/7/8/9/10/12 seconds

* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds.

Usability note: While this ability is launched and is out and bouncing, the Sentinel can still shoot with its weapon of choice!


Targetting Receptor - This is the precept you gain when you craft/buy Helios. However, all attack precepts are now interchangeable between each Sentinel. More details to this precept in the comprehensive modlist (segment 4)


If the Helios Sentinel changed to something like this, which version would you prefer?




There are 5 categories of mods for Sentinels:

* Combat mods

* Utility mods

* Attack precepts

* Individual powers

* Generic powers


Combat mods

Notes to remember:

1) All of these are equippable by ANY Sentinel, in the combat slots. There are 8 combat slots.


All current mods:

* Redirection

* Vitality (Should be 25% per rank, just like Redirection)

* Steel Fiber

* Fast Deflection

* Fired Up


New mod ideas:

* Clockwork

Modcost: 4 + 5 more ranks

Effect: Reduces Sentinel ability cooldowns by 5/10/15/20/25/30%


* -Insert clever name here-

Modcost: 4 + 5 more ranks

Effect: Increases Sentinel ability range by 5/10/15/20/25/30%


* -Insert clever name here-

Modcost: 4 + 5 more ranks

Effect: Increases Sentinel ability power by 5/10/15/20/25/30%


* -Insert clever name here-

Modcost: 4 + 5 more ranks

Effect: Increases Sentinel ability duration by 5/10/15/20/25/30%


* -Insert clever name here-

Modcost: 4 + 5 more ranks

Effect: Increases Sentinel health and shields by 15/30/45/60/75/90% (Possible Nightmare mod)


Utility mods

Notes to remember:

1) All of these are equippable by ANY Sentinel, in the utility slots. There are 6 utility slots


All current mods:

* Spare Parts

* Self Destruct


This group of mods needs LOTS of ideas. I bet it wouldn't be that hard to come up either... (Think stuff like Thief's Wit, Intruder, Enemy Sense etc. Passive utility like that).


Attack Precepts

Notes to remember:

1) For ALL the attack precepts - Each rankupgrade gives the Sentinel's weapon a 15% max range upgrade (thus 90% range bonus at max rank). The base range is instead determined by the weapon equipped.

2) These are interchangeable between the Sentinels. So, all of these are equippable by ANY Sentinel, in a dedicated attack precept slot. There is just one slot like this.

3) A further idea is that, on top of having the precepts determine how it chooses its target, there could be a toggle-button beneath the place where you choose between: ADAPTS or LOCKS ON.

* ADAPTS means that the Sentinel will constantly check for a new enemy to attack which fulfills the attack-precept's conditions, even if the previous target is not dead yet. In short: "Constant target-switching based on target condition".

* LOCKS ON means that once the Sentinel has acquired a target based on the attack precepts condition, it will shoot that enemy until that enemy dies, even if there is an enemy in range that fulfills the attack precept's condition better than its current locked on target does. In short: "Shoots the chosen target until its dead".

Note: LOCKS ON is the possibly always the best option when using the Deth Machine Rifle, due to its spool-up time. If it keeps adapting to new circumstances, it will shoot very slowly.


Now, the attack precept mods:

* Warrior - Chooses targets completely randomly. (If on ADAPTS, it always tries to attack new targets with every shot)

* Swift Deth Focus Fire - Will attack whatever target the Sentinel's owner attacked last. Otherwise, will choose the closest target.

* Revenge Opportunist - Chooses the target within range that has the least amount of health (Revenge's old effect is not necessary as an attack precept, due to now being the universal Defensive mode anyway).

* Thumper - Chooses the target the furthest away from the Sentinel

* Striker - Chooses the enemy within range that has the most amount of health

* Targetting Receptor Brawler - Chooses the target which is the closest to the Sentinel


Note about these changes:

While the attack precepts are interchangeable among the Sentinels, they also fit their intended Sentinel better:

* Wyrm+Laser Rifle+Warrior - Intended to crowd control with a high status weapon, shooting random targets fits, as that can greatly help to control large amounts of enemies quickly.

* Dethcube+Deth Machine Rifle+Focus Fire - Intended to focus on one target at a time with is spool-up machine gun, assisting the Sentinel's owner can greatly help with taking down a focused target faster.

* Shade+Burst Laser+Opportunist - Intended to be a sneaky assassin with its quick "hit & run" burst laser, taking out the weakest targets first greatly helps to thin out the crowd quickly.

* Djinn+Stinger+Thumper - Intended to take out targets from afar with its long range poisongun, shooting targets the furthest away, helps keeping the longrange targets out of the picture so you can focus on closeby threats instead. (Also would work great with a punch-through mod, just saying!)

* Carrier+Sweeper+Striker - Intended to be the heavy duty shotgunner, softening up the healthiest / assisting to kill the strongest makes the job of taking out the bigger threats much easier for its owner.

* Helios+Solar Blade / Deconstructor+Brawler - Intended to take on enemies at close range with a melee(ish) weapon, taking out the closest enemies first helps the owner from having closeby threats.


Individual Powers

Notes to remember:

1) Each one of these powers are unique to each Sentinel!

2) These unique powers have a 5th dedicated power slot, so it doesn't compete with the general power mods! There is just one slot like this.


* Crowd Dispersion - Only for Wyrm

* Vaporize - Only for Dethcube

* Ghost - Only for Shade

* Mystical Attraction - Only for Djinn

* Cure - Only for Carrier

* Solar Blades / Deconstructor Punch - Only for Helios


Generic Powers

Notes to remember:

1) All of these are equippable by ANY Sentinel, in the power slots. There are 4 power slots.


All current mods:

* Coolant Leak (need more ranks and could be changed to a Utility mod too since it is so passive)

* Guardian

* Regen

* Sacrifice

* Sanctuary (could be a Utility mod imo)

* Vacuum

* Investigator


Investigator needs some tweaks though:

1) Only scans stuff up until the codex scan-cap of a target (No more 3529 scans on a Grineer Lancer :P) Constantly could scan plants on earth though, they are always useful for the full-life health potions.

2) Also scans friendly units (your Grineer/Corpus allies in Invasion missions), still not going past the codex scan-cap of course.

3) Each rank should reduce the scanning time, reduce cooldown and increase scanning range. Some numerical suggestions:

-- Range - 25/30/35/40/45/50 meters

-- Scantime -  1,5 / 1,25 / 1 / 0,75 / 0,5 / 0,25 seconds

-- Cooldown - 3 / 2,5 / 2 / 1,5 / 1 / 0,5 seconds

4) Even when a target/item appears in its scanning aoe which is already past the scanning cap, it could STILL do the "orange hue" thing, which gives it some "see through" utility! Useful in particular for Punchthrough-modded weapons!


Phew! This was a looong write. I'll do a TL;DR later in the next post.

Edited by Azamagon
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TL;DR (of the important parts)


* Sentinels now have 3 attack modes; Aggressive, Defensive and Passive. These are changeable midmission! Defensive makes your Sentinel attack like if Revenge was installed in it, Passive like if no attack-precept was installed and Aggressive depends on how you mod it

* Each attack precept is now interchangeable, and now each one is unique, changing how your Sentinel attacks when put in Aggressive Mode

* Attack precepts now increase ranges on weapons by a percent, the base range of the sentinel weapon depends on the WEAPON, not directly the attack precepts.

* All sentinel weapons are rebalanced (mostly buffed)

* Djinn's power is greatly buffed (made more into a form of tanking ability).

* Vacuum and Investigator are now general precepts (due to being non-combat powers) + Investigator is greatly buffed

* Carrier gets a minor healing ability as replacement for making Vacuum a general precept

* Helios has 2 idea-versions, both versions emphasize melee combat as its power

Edited by Azamagon
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Just no. Carrier is unique because it's a utility sentinel, and it's ability can help recovering lost ammos and clean loot rooms. Making Vacuum a generic mod would make this Sentinel useless: why do i have to use Carrier if i can equip Vacuum on Shade or Deathcube? Also, with Oberon, Valkyr or Trinity in the team would make its new ability useless too.

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Just no. Carrier is unique because it's a utility sentinel, and it's ability can help recovering lost ammos and clean loot rooms. Making Vacuum a generic mod would make this Sentinel useless: why do i have to use Carrier if i can equip Vacuum on Shade or Deathcube? Also, with Oberon, Valkyr or Trinity in the team would make its new ability useless too.

1) Carrier is used by everyone. The new Helios for example is a cool Sentinel. But it's useless compared to Carrier. Most people just levels up all the other Sentinels, then goes back to Carrier. That's not fun + makes the other sentinels a waste of production, pretty much.

2) The healing / debuff cleansing replacement ability for Carrier is just an idea. Anything else can be its replacement. I just didn't want to leave it empty.

3) If it DID get some form of healing / debuff cleansing ability, it would still not be that bad. Could be useful for solo players for example...


And don't just bash on the specific ideas too much. Think about the overall picture instead.

Edited by Azamagon
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I must initially disagree with the majority of your proposal . However the Sentinel Revive Gear would be an excellent addition... I would also like to mention that I find Vacuum VERY handy in combat especially with the absence an energy siphon aura or with an equilibrium mod equipped on my frame. The ability to gather scattered energy/health and ammo can be the difference between life and death at times. I would like to let this thread soak in some and I will have more detailed feedback at that time.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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They just need to make all the special abilities become usable across all Sentinels and make the sentinel's weapon only available to that specific sentinel it came with. While it seems a bad idea but I'm just throwing some suggestions. And the revive Sentinel is a awesome idea too, I hate it when my freaking sentinel is dead because I was down the entire time.  

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I for one, really agree with a lot of this.


All this gives players a reason to view a Sentinel as an investment rather than a gimmick floating over their shoulder. 


Players are going to cry out that you removed the Carrier's loot carrying ability and made it a feature for all Sentinels when in reality that's exactly how it should have been.


The Carrier shouldn't have been a Sentinel, it should have been a concept implemented as a utility mod so players don't have to pick between life saving utility (Shade) or less missed loot drops (Carrier)


A healer esque Sentinel would help much more, especially for players lacking Rejuvenation, Equilibrium, or an ability that helps them recover lost health, especially if the overall squad lacks any frames that can do this. 


So I'm in full support of the Carrier changes; because from the get go I felt there should never have BEEN a Carrier sentinel.


On note of your other changes, yes, yes, and yes. Everything's more fleshed out/functional , however I feel some of the base elements/damage on Wyrm and Dethcube are either lacking or the elements don't match up.


As a CC'er Wyrm's weapons and abilities should have a high proc chance, the proc I feel most appropriate is Blast so as to keep the enemy off their feet, ya know? Sure depleting shields with magnetic is nice but I'd rather an enemy be unable to shoot me rather than do something my other weapons already do. (Which is either ignoring or shredding through shields)


Dethcubes Vaporize should do just that, but 600 Radiation Damage is simply paltry. It needs to vaporize the target it picks as well as feature a priority targeting system, possibly designated by the player so that it can kill the more threatening enemies so long as said enemies are within it's effective range.


So its utility scales and continues to get the job done, I'd say at least 3000 flat armor ignoring damage should suffice considering it probably won't work on bosses and is only good for a single unit every few seconds. Horrendous in scope when you consider the boundless hordes headed your way, indispensable for when you're about to get pimp slapped by a random Ancient that slipped by your unhelpful squad. 


I pretty much agree on all your other points though. Well done sir!

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I must initially disagree with the majority of your proposal . However the Sentinel Revive Gear would be an excellent addition... I would also like to mention that I find Vacuum VERY handy in combat especially with the absence an energy siphon aura or with an equilibrium mod equipped on my frame. The ability to gather scattered energy/health and ammo can be the difference between life and death at times. I would like to let this thread soak in some and I will have more detailed feedback at that time.

May I ask why you disagreed with most of the ideas?

Glad you like the Sentinel Revive Gear though ^^

Yes, Vacuum has its uses, for sure. But it is more situational to help in direct combat than Vaporize, Crowd Dispersion and Ghost do. Vacuum MOSTLY helps to speed things up, as you can still run over the ammo/orbs yourself.

EDIT: And if you think it could be a lifesaver, then what of its new healing ability? :P Besides, Vacuum would still be an option for ANY Sentinel, INCLUDING Carrier. So what's the problem?


I really like your proposed sentinel overhaul especially the carrier changes.

Thanks man! :)


They just need to make all the special abilities become usable across all Sentinels and make the sentinel's weapon only available to that specific sentinel it came with. While it seems a bad idea but I'm just throwing some suggestions. And the revive Sentinel is a awesome idea too, I hate it when my freaking sentinel is dead because I was down the entire time.  

That's another way things could be changed I guess, but personally I like that one a little less. The Sentinel should be defined by its special power, not by their weapons, just like how Warframes work.

Glad you like the Sentinel revive item as well ^^



I for one, really agree with a lot of this.


All this gives players a reason to view a Sentinel as an investment rather than a gimmick floating over their shoulder. 


Players are going to cry out that you removed the Carrier's loot carrying ability and made it a feature for all Sentinels when in reality that's exactly how it should have been.


The Carrier shouldn't have been a Sentinel, it should have been a concept implemented as a utility mod so players don't have to pick between life saving utility (Shade) or less missed loot drops (Carrier)


A healer esque Sentinel would help much more, especially for players lacking Rejuvenation, Equilibrium, or an ability that helps them recover lost health, especially if the overall squad lacks any frames that can do this. 


So I'm in full support of the Carrier changes; because from the get go I felt there should never have BEEN a Carrier sentinel.


On note of your other changes, yes, yes, and yes. Everything's more fleshed out/functional , however I feel some of the base elements/damage on Wyrm and Dethcube are either lacking or the elements don't match up.


As a CC'er Wyrm's weapons and abilities should have a high proc chance, the proc I feel most appropriate is Blast so as to keep the enemy off their feet, ya know? Sure depleting shields with magnetic is nice but I'd rather an enemy be unable to shoot me rather than do something my other weapons already do. (Which is either ignoring or shredding through shields)


Dethcubes Vaporize should do just that, but 600 Radiation Damage is simply paltry. It needs to vaporize the target it picks as well as feature a priority targeting system, possibly designated by the player so that it can kill the more threatening enemies so long as said enemies are within it's effective range.


So its utility scales and continues to get the job done, I'd say at least 3000 flat armor ignoring damage should suffice considering it probably won't work on bosses and is only good for a single unit every few seconds. Horrendous in scope when you consider the boundless hordes headed your way, indispensable for when you're about to get pimp slapped by a random Ancient that slipped by your unhelpful squad. 


I pretty much agree on all your other points though. Well done sir!

Woo thanks for the support! :D

Your view of Sentinels becoming actual investments, rather than flying gimmicks, is a great way to explain what my suggestions are meant to do! :)


Players crying for the loss of Vacuum being Carrier's special ability would be, frankly put, stupid and incapable of reading (which is far too common, sadly). After all, making Vacuum a general ability useable by any Sentinel would still allow Carrier to use it... So, yeah, I don't really see the problem here.

Giving the Carrier a healing ability just makes it compete more on an even level with the other Sentinels. I mean after all, my suggestions means this:


Carrier: +Healing ability (While Vacuum still being an option to use on it, on TOP of the healing ability if you want)

All other sentinels: +Vacuum as an option on them.


It's PURE Win/Win here.


About Wyrm and Dethcube's abilities - I actually just left their damagetypes as they are currently, I didn't change them. As far as I know, their abilities only have their base effects (Crowd Dispersion ragdolls in an aoe, Vaporize stuns a single target), they cannot proc with their elements of choice. I actually need to test if they do though (beause they shouldn't)!

But yeah, I'd maybe change CrowdD to Blast damage because the damagetype is so neutral.


Vaporize I'd maybe change to True (Finisher) damage, so it feels more in line with its name. Vaporize having a damage of those numbers would be excessively strong, stronger than most Warframe ultimates! Its current stun is enough I guess (maybe some minor damage-amp could be ok on it?)

The targetting system is not necessary due to how I changed the attack precepts. Swift Deth turned into Focus Fire, which is just that: The Sentinel will shoot on the target the player last attacked. So it's already there, in a way ;)


And I DID make Wyrm's base weapon (Laser Rifle) have higher status chance. What status effect you would choose is up to your modding though.



Thanks for the comments everyone! :)

Edited by Azamagon
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