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Sicarus Prime


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I just wanted to ask, whoever designed the weapon, what the motivation for making a three round burst pistol only to have 20 rounds in its magazine, making the last burst of each magazine just two rounds.


It makes no sense. Like, at all. 

Would it be hard to increase the total ammo per magazine to 21 from 20, so it all makes sense?

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yeah, that always bugged me. I actually enjoyed using the sicarus prime. the sicarus is a piece of garbage, but for whatever reason, the prime version was decent. but 20 rounds? really? for a 3-round burst pistol? I hope somebody got fired for that, haha

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It would make far more sense to have it 30 rounds. This way it will stay divisible by 3 with most combination of magazine mods.


Or 24. Or 27. Something that can be worked into 3. Yes, 30 is also valid. So is 18...

...but not 20. 

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You had one job Sicarus Prime, and that was to fire three bullets!


Poor baby. Just add clip size mods till it's a multiple of three if it matters that much. 

The idea of putting an not fully ranked mod on my gear to fix a "problem" that shouldn't be there bugs me just as much.

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Part of what likely is happening with design choices like that ( not counting how content, mods, etc. may change with time / patches ), is that as it was said...while the unmodified gun itself may have an odd function vs. clip size, there are at least a few mods that effect clip size to make it work fine.  That's likely why it was done - so when you did apply the mods, you wouldn't wind up with the unmodded issue.

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Part of what likely is happening with design choices like that ( not counting how content, mods, etc. may change with time / patches ), is that as it was said...while the unmodified gun itself may have an odd function vs. clip size, there are at least a few mods that effect clip size to make it work fine.  That's likely why it was done - so when you did apply the mods, you wouldn't wind up with the unmodded issue.

When you use any of those ammo mods maxed, you still end up with two or even a SINGLE bullet at the end of your clip.

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Part of what likely is happening with design choices like that ( not counting how content, mods, etc. may change with time / patches ), is that as it was said...while the unmodified gun itself may have an odd function vs. clip size, there are at least a few mods that effect clip size to make it work fine.  That's likely why it was done - so when you did apply the mods, you wouldn't wind up with the unmodded issue.


You are still gonna end up with weird magazine sizes if you prefer to use mods which increase ammo, so DE might as well done it good from the start and let the players mess up the ammo amount rather than the opposite. 

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  • 2 months later...

The sound is alright, but the ammo amount isn't.



That high pitch whirring sound is horrible. You listen it after each shot, and sometimes it shrieks even more. Its annoying. 


The weapon seems to be fine, it delivers some punch, but I will dump it after levelling to 30, simply because of this sound. Its unplayable. 

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Haha I agree. Anyone designing a three round burst gun would never put the wrong number in the clip as it makes no sense.


I feel like some of the things in this game are just meant to screw with us.. ._.


For my money the Phage is the best example of immersion-breaking stupidity:

   Armorer: I've created a new continuous-beam weapon.  It can do either moderate damage over a wide area or intense damage on a

         single high-priority target and it can switch between them at will.

   Lotus: Good idea!  How do we control the area of effect?

   Armorer: Well it always starts out with wide-area fire.  When there's a priority target you just need to fire wide-area, then hold the

         alternate trigger and wait a bit while the beams converge.

   Lotus:  So there's two firing modes and two triggers but when there's an enemy that has to be eliminated right away the shooter has to


   Armorer:  Of course, don't want it to be overpowered.

> brief silence <

Lotus leaves room, then retruns with a medic

   Lotus:  Yes, that's how it happened.  He'd just walked into the room and started talking to me when he tripped and landed on

         my letter opener ...several times.

Edited by Wereduck_of_Arrakis
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