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Corpus Killer


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sure, maybe against their shields. but remember they also have flesh/robotics under that. generally not much, but still, not inconsequential


personally I don't like the increased spread too much. not at max level, at least. and is a crit build really worth it on the sobek? try some seeking force to mow down crowds


to take down shields, you may as well just go with a high status chance weapon and go for the magnetic proc. strun wraith is a far better shotgun for that purpose. plus it has some nice impact damage as well. sobek/hek/tigris are not the status beasts they used to be since the shotgun status nerf. meanwhile DE stealth buffed boar prime and strun wraith's status chances up to 40% base


but for killing corpus, who needs a primary? bring out the brakk or marelok. impact+slash damage is perfect for crewmen. akmagnus is pretty great too. marelok and akmags have good status chance, so you can take advantage of that. magnetic+toxin damage is a good combo against grineer, magnetic takes out shields, meanwhile toxin bypasses shields, so when the shields are down, there's less health to deal with from the poison

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^^^ Makes some very good points. Replace Blunderbuss and Ravage with Blaze and Seeking Force. Unless you got ammo to spare then go Blaze and Shotgun Spazz.  Also, if you want to stick with the shotguns, Boar Prime and Phage are both considered a large improvement over Sobek. 

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