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Posting In Forums. Dos And Donts.



Do search for topics about your subject before starting a played out thread that pósters will overlook.

Do some research about your topic before you try to express yourself. The better informed you are the better your post can be. This might stop you from looking stupid.

Do make your topic title relevant to the topic. The posts with vague topic titles are getting old. They are usually a waste of time viewing and cause posts to be overlooked.

Dont start threads with opinions or suggestions firmly rooted in experiences with other games. This isnt Wow Lol or vindictus. De is not going to change things simply bcuz you like the Way another game did it.

Dont start a thread to bash de or the devs unless you spent money and your complaint is related. Even then they didnt force us.

Dont start another PVP or nerf or balance thread. We know. They know.

Dont start a post unless you want it disected trashed and nullified.

Dont start a post that addresses fairness grinding or trade principles. Life is an unfair exchange.

Dont start a post about taking away exclusives. If we cant have something others can not, there is no point.

Do always upvote posts you agree with. It helps all the Way around.

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Even tho i agree with most of the things you pointed out im gonna say this, and don't take it as something like bad feedback,

Dont put a thread on the forums about what people can or can not post, there are rules and if people doesn't listen to them they won't listen to us.

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why do people act like using the search function should be the first thing you do before posting?


forum search functions are absolutely horrible...at best...


and its a forum, unless there is a thread with the same question on the first page...who cares if someone asks?  Isnt that the point of the forums?  Oh and don't act that if people did this the forums would explode or be unusable...because they certainly work just fine given that nearly no one does this lame suggesting.

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Do search for topics about your subject before starting a played out thread that pósters will overlook.

Do some research about your topic before you try to express yourself. The better informed you are the better your post can be. This might stop you from looking stupid.

Do make your topic title relevant to the topic. The posts with vague topic titles are getting old. They are usually a waste of time viewing and cause posts to be overlooked.

Dont start a post that addresses fairness grinding or trade principles. Life is an unfair exchange.

Dont start a post about taking away exclusives. If we cant have something others can not, there is no point.


Highly biased rules that promote shilling, but no actual discussion of heated topics.


If we don't speak out about things that we feel are unjust/badly implemented/unfair design, etc, then how will the developers know that we feel this way?


Dont start another PVP or nerf or balance thread. We know. They know.


"They know." Do they? Would they? If they implemented, they assume it's okay. It's not until someone speaks up, or multiple people, or all of the people speak up does it get noticed.


Dont start a thread to bash de or the devs unless you spent money and your complaint is related. Even then they didnt force us.


..., Really? Bashing the developers doesn't contribute anything, I agree, but why word it in such a way? Suggestions and discussion can happen between anyone in the game, if they paid or not. The people who PAID shouldn't be given a different game, than those who didn't. Western vs Eastern free2play models, NA/EU is against Pay2Win, or locked content. A person's opinion, if they spent 0 dollars, should be just as justified as those who paid $300+.


Dont start threads with opinions or suggestions firmly rooted in experiences with other games. This isnt Wow Lol or vindictus. De is not going to change things simply bcuz you like the Way another game did it.


It depends entirely on the game they're comparing it to. Suggesting DE makes an Auction House because Diablo 3 has one? Not relevant, the loot and progression system is completely different. Some suggestions are valid, though, in terms of gameplay and suggestions for content. DE has created a nice game, but there is no reason to completely forget about the games that came before it, and what they did right.


Dont start a post that addresses fairness grinding or trade principles. Life is an unfair exchange.


Is it okay to discuss whether or not the RNG is broken? Because people consider it's currently implementation 'unfair.' Are you suggesting people just accept it, without discussing it?


I find all these rules arbitrary, people should be allowed to discuss what they want, until a moderator sees fit to lock it. Hopefully with a suitable reason, at the time of the locking.

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Don't mix your liqours...


Don't dig down... wait, wrong game.


EDIT: Also this:


People should be allowed to discuss what they want, until a moderator sees fit to lock it.

Edited by Guest
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Brownosing thread of the week? 


why do people act like using the search function should be the first thing you do before posting?


forum search functions are absolutely horrible...at best...


And then when someone uses the search and post in an old thread, the same people complain about thread necromancy.

Edited by Shackram
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Dont start a post that addresses fairness grinding or trade principles. Life is an unfair exchange.


I'm sorry but...'Instead of trying to improve things, it's best that we don't because, that's just the way things are!' 


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you all miss the point. your future topics have already been started. it makes more sense to add to a post thats already happening than to start a new one that will just disappear. the point is to carry on conversations. add to the already ongoing conversation about whatever your thinking, instead of making 50 1-5 reply mini posts.


and as far as de knowing about whatever it is youre thinking, unless its a fan concept (and sometimes even then), someone has already started a thread about it.


the complaints are getting redundant. every day its the same old crap on the forums. having one crap thread with lots of replies is better for forum goers than 100 crap threads about the same thing.



it surprises me, the lack of brain power amongst humans

Edited by T4LCOMX
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