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Is Tysis Worth Putting A Catalyst Into?



I recently finished building this weapon and with the mod from the Tethra's Doom, it's possible to make the status chance of this weapon up to 100% since it has a high base status chance of 50%. 


I know that this weapon doesn't do the most fantastic damage and that it isn't practical for killing enemies but I have my mind set on making this a utility weapon. Since it already has innate corrosive damage, it's great for high level armor'd enemies. 


Along with that, I am also thinking of slapping a radiation combo onto this pistol so that it is basically like a pocket chaos. Because of this, it'll make the weapon "scale endlessly" and become really useful against high level enemies.


Does anyone use the Tysis? What are your thoughts on this pistol? And most of all, is it worth one of my few precious potatoes?

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i only put forma in weapons on which I can see some potential. Gave Tysis the Quad Forma treatment.


So i guess you can say YES for me it was worth putting a Catalyst in...


That and my Marelok are my two most powerful side arms.




Marelok when it was Level 25.9bODH17.jpg

Edited by RawGritz
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I would say yes. Having corrosive damage by default makes it an incredible anti-grineer weapon (you can get corrosive + radiation + viral damages on it at the same time).


Also you can damage multiple enemies in a straight line because enemies that get killed by it fly indefinitely until they hit a wall, there's no drop like there is with other bolt-type weapons.

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0 potato 0 Forma: http://goo.gl/8y8FxJ

1 proc of Corrosive, Rad, or Viral. 1 shot per second.

= Proc/Sec


0 potato 7 Forma: http://goo.gl/ZtQTQk or http://goo.gl/kmh6Da (with punchthrough)

2.8 procs of Corrosive, Rad, or Viral. 1.6 Shots Per Second

=4.5 procs/sec


2.2 procs of Corrosive, Rad, or Viral. 1 Shot per second. Can hit multiple targets.

=2.2 procs/sec * # targets


1 potato 0 Forma: http://goo.gl/BlwqA0

2.8 procs of Corrosive, Rad, or Viral. 2.32 Shots per second.

=6.5 procs/sec


1 potato 3 Forma: http://goo.gl/ajijQq

2.8 procs of Corrosive, Rad, or Viral. 2.32 Shots per second. Can hit multiple targets.

=6.5 procs/sec * # targets



Worth potatoing and a couple forma to really unlock the potential. However if you want to just kill stuff, use a weapon with more DPS.

Edited by Darzk
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I just recently using Tysis and it is good. ..corrosive + radiation is good combo. I notice when the enemy affected by corrosive and radiation they will hit there own ally probably to stop corrosive and radiation to spread to them (may be)....That only what I noticed

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I would say yes. Having corrosive damage by default makes it an incredible anti-grineer weapon (you can get corrosive + radiation + viral damages on it at the same time).


Also you can damage multiple enemies in a straight line because enemies that get killed by it fly indefinitely until they hit a wall, there's no drop like there is with other bolt-type weapons.

Wait, what? The bolt doesn't have drop off? 

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Wait, what? The bolt doesn't have drop off? 

Tysis's bolts have no drop off. They fly straight and are unaffected by drop/gravity. 


Likewise, when you kill an enemy with it, they fly in a straight line following the original bolt's trajectory. You can, effectively, pin enemies to the ceiling, send them into orbit, et cetera.

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I just recently using Tysis and it is good. ..corrosive + radiation is good combo. I notice when the enemy affected by corrosive and radiation they will hit there own ally probably to stop corrosive and radiation to spread to them (may be)....That only what I noticed

What you're seeing is the radiation proc turning them hostile to their enemies.

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One question: How does proc chance work? For example, if I have a 100% status chance and have radiation and corrosive, when I shoot at an enemy, do both Corrosive and Radiation proc or only one of them?

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One question: How does proc chance work? For example, if I have a 100% status chance and have radiation and corrosive, when I shoot at an enemy, do both Corrosive and Radiation proc or only one of them?


I'm no expert on this, so I'm probably wrong. Take this with a grain of salt:


Proc chance displayed in the UI is the chance to proc at least once per ammo fired. As far as I can tell, each bullet will only proc one element at a time, however high proc weapons like the Tysis with Multishot will be highly likely to proc multiple elements due to having more bullets. Multishot also elevates the displayed status chance in general.

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I'm no expert on this, so I'm probably wrong. Take this with a grain of salt:


Proc chance displayed in the UI is the chance to proc at least once per ammo fired. As far as I can tell, each bullet will only proc one element at a time, however high proc weapons like the Tysis with Multishot will be highly likely to proc multiple elements due to having more bullets. Multishot also elevates the displayed status chance in general.

I think it will draw the proc behavior from the highest damaging elemental combo. If that's radiation for you then you will get a Radiation proc more often than not.

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They keep changing the mechanic. I'm now completely confused, lol.


It *was* that with say a theoretical 100% proc chance you had 60% physical, 40% elemental, then those procs were broken down by damage done.


So a impact weapon with

75% impact, 10% Puncture, 15% slash, 150% Corrosive, 60% elec 100% proc would have  

45% stagger, 6% Armor removal, 9% bleed DoT, 28.5% Corrosive, 11.5% Chain Lightning. 


Then they changed the proc values within each of the categories to 50%/33%/17% by damage priority, or 66/33% if only 2 options are available.


This made our theoretical weapon deal 30% Stagger, 20% Slash, 10% Puncture, 26.4% Corrosive, 13.6% Elec



This, however, caused innate elemental weapons like the Tysis to get angry, as they had no physical procs and were proccing elementals only 40% of time they were supposed to.


So they changed the mechanic again, to include the base element, somehow.


Either the base element becomes the base damage @ 60%, and other elements are split between the 40%, by either method (66/33 or by damage%)


The base element is no different than the other elements, all are split between the 100%, by either method.


In addition Tysis sometimes shows multiple procs from a single shot, but the non-corrosive proc is a visual thing only. For example you shoot someone with a no-multishot viral modded tysis, he gets both the corrosive and viral symbol, but wait 6 seconds and his health doesn't go back up.


TLDR I HAVE NO IDEA ANYMORE DE KEEPS CHANGING IT. Gonna have to do some more testing.

Edited by Darzk
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I think it will draw the proc behavior from the highest damaging elemental combo. If that's radiation for you then you will get a Radiation proc more often than not.

that has been almost confirmed, but i'm waiting for tethra's mod to go test it myself (i also need a few extra formas)


but on wether or not it's worth tatering, i'd say the weapon is extremely fun, at 100% status +multishot+seeker, you can trigger blast chains, or use radiation for a pocket nyx, overall the damage becomes secondary to all the cool stuff you can do.


and at extremely high levels, you can use radiation/viral/corrosive to halve HP and have them stop attacking you.

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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