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Early-Mid Game Help



So recently I reached Mastery Rank 5, and I've reached a point where I'm having issues reaching certain missions since no one does them and I can't solo well.

I have:

Rhino (Rank 30 no forma/potato) 

          -Max Iron Skin, Rhino Stomp, Steel Charge

          -Mid Level Steel Fiber, Vitality, and Redirection

          -Level 2 Streamline and Flow

          -Base Marathon, Roar, and Fast Deflection

Primary (Rank 30 Gorgon Wraith and some weak stuff I'm just raising for mastery)


          -Metal Auger

          -Thunder Bolt

          -Vital Sense

Secondary (Rank 30 Bolto and Vasto no forma/potato on either)

          -Hornet Strike

          -Nothing else that's really mentionable

Melee(Rank 30 Orthos no forma/potato)

          -Nothing really mentionable

Aside from maxing some mods like Serration, are there any weapon recommendations to help me solo to boss missions?

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I like to use rifles and fire in short bursts although I have issues trying to play like that when I try to solo defense and mobile defense. Inventory-wise for primaries, I only have the Gorgon Wraith and a Cernos I'm leveling. I'm not entirely willing to sell all my mods. I'd be willing to sell Thunder Bolt since I'm not really liking bows.

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Depends, what current weapons do you have currently? What is your prefered style of Gun? And are you willing to level up mods for the sole purpose of trading for Platium?


To clarify, i want to know what you have in your inventory. As for the style of gunplay, ill either reccomend something close to what you are comfortable with, or give just a Pure Damge WAAC (win at all costs) build.


Ah well, on to my advice!


Im going to assume you have no method of obtaining platinum for potatoesl.


Your Rhino build is solid for no potato, and smart going for Steel charge for the bonus points. However dont neglect Roar, it makes ALL of your weapons hit really hard, and can really improve your damage output in a tight situation.


The orthos is a solid melee weapon IMO, its single strikes can quickly let you cut down groups of enemies, however the king of melee charge damage will always bee the Galatine. At any rate, you should look for Fury and pressure point.


Now before i reccomend additional weapons, do you know about damage 2.0? If not, check it out on the wiki


The long and short of it is elemental damage is what you HAVE to have to start doing really nice damage. Put Electric andGas damage on a majority of your things. This gives you Corrossive damage, which has a chance to lower the armor of what you are shooting at, allowing your guns and melee attacks to do more damage, A LOT more damage. So dont neglect elemental combos, make sure there is at least one on all weapons you carry, 2 if you have the space for them. Elemental damage also stakes with regular damage mods like serration, which will boost base AND elemental damage



Weapon advice to follow


PS thunderbolt doesnt scale with damage, i wouldnt include it

Edited by ensignvidiot
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Ok, so I can put corrosive on any of my weapons thanks to the recent event providing electric mods. I can raise Roar up to Rank 2 before I run out of mastery points. I do have fury and pressure point, the main reason I didn't mention them is just because I assumed everyone at rank 5 had them. As of right now, I have no intention of spending real money for platinum, so I can't but potatoes but I do have 2 blue potato blueprints, but I don't really want to use them on the weapons available to me right now. I do however, have a potato'd volt. The reason why I didn't mention it was because I heard that Rhino was stronger for solo.


P.S. I have Thrak bp, so if that works well for solo I can put that on.

Edited by kiwisaur
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Thrak is aweome, it makes you move really-really fast, and is a must for solo play if you have the need to rush through a mission with rhino.


Vasto is a solid side-arm... the Dual vasto can get a bit disgusting. They will be really reliable side arms for a majority of progression, and if you really like them, the Magnus and then Akmagnus are also really wonderful (and powerful.


personally, i would reccomend potatoing an Akmagnus if you work your way up to them.


Im not too fond of the Gorgon wraith, but i cant deny its damage output, If you like machine guns, getting the Soma at rank 6 will give you a solid damage boost.


Orthos will keep you good for a good while, if you find yourself charge attacking, upgrading that to the galantine may be a good idea. If you luck out and create the Orthos Prime, Potato that *&^%, then forma it. For a single-strike weapon, it lets me scythe through a group of high level enemies like Link through Tall Grass.


The best elemental combos to go for (the order of which is up to you, and this whole list is my opinion):

Corrosive: Anti-Armor, good against Grineer

Viral: 75% reduction to max health, good against anything not robotic

Radiation: Random "Nyx Chaos effect", good damage boost against robotics and heavy gunners

Blast: Random knockdowns, things knocked down cant hurt you. yes you can have this on melee weapons, its hillarious to see.


When leveling up weapons, dont forget leveling elemental effects.

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