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Boar Prime - "machinegun Of Death" (I Know It's A Shotgun)



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id say go ahead with the five forma. then take out amo mutation and shotty spaz. put in accel blast to give you some extra puncture and fire rate, and take out the amo mod and put in a maxed out elemental mod.


then go into options and set your alternate fire key as scroll down. 


youll do enough dmg where you can just pop off single shots and conserve amo, only spraying as needed








one has seeking force one doesnt

Edited by T4LCOMX
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put in accel blast to give you some extra puncture


You know they patched AB, right? So it'll only add +36 puncture per shot?


I too would ditch SS tho, probably for Seeking Force, Bane, or 90% Toxin to spread the damage around a bit and do some damage to Ferrite.


Actually I would consider ditching Vicious Spread, the effective range goes way up. Replacing with Bane or 90% Toxin is only a tiny DPS drop but more pellets will hit a target at range, or get headshot multipliers when in the face of heavies.


I like this: http://goo.gl/3G7WtA but its really hard to build an impact based weapon against Grineer :S.

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