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Warframe's Rng Is Garbage


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Yesterday i was hunting for Nekros' chasis on the ODA mission because that was the final part i needed. Since i didn't have many keys myself, i relied on grouping with other people who did have them throughout the day. I got a helmet every single time until i got it...


But here's the messed up part: the dude i was with at the time outright said he was looking for the helmet himself. I said "you shouldn't have any problem with that". So we end up stomping Lephantis into the ground, get to extraction, and what do you know? The chasis pops up.


My reaction



y u do dis, rng

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The idea of the game is to work your your stuff.


In the end that hard work to get that last piece of your weapon pays off in a way that when you see that you got it you jump out of your chair with excitement cause you finally did it.


To be honest you don't really deserve the component you need if you only did like 5 missions in the void ever.


A prime anything is a symbol of your long grinding accomplishment, and seeing that on your frame, or being your frame, used to mean that people know you as an experienced player who has been through the wonders and misfortunes of RNG.


RNG is a percentage based award system, so don't expect anything to be handed to you on a platter. That costs platinum, which if your having this much time to complain about RNG i suggest that you either cough up the cash and make this game more boring to you, OR you can suck it up and deal with it like many have before. 


You need to give something in order to achieve something


That is life

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So many are missing the point

I'm not complaining about not getting what I want, I get that you should just be able to get everything you want but come on 6 rewards and half are the same thing, that's what I'm talking about RNG being garbage

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Well,atleast you got 3 same Prime parts.....

I got Morphics when I have about 200 of them....Not a single Prime part in 30mins...Let alone 3 duplicates....


But then again,I farmed all my Prime Gears myself and thats the only reason I played WF for 600 hrs...To grind for Primes and defeat the mighty RNG.

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Well,atleast you got 3 same Prime parts.....

I got Morphics when I have about 200 of them....Not a single Prime part in 30mins...Let alone 3 duplicates....


But then again,I farmed all my Prime Gears myself and thats the only reason I played WF for 600 hrs...To grind for Primes and defeat the mighty RNG.

I just noticed I got 666 hours in this game

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Yesterday i was hunting for Nekros' chasis on the ODA mission because that was the final part i needed. Since i didn't have many keys myself, i relied on grouping with other people who did have them throughout the day. I got a helmet every single time until i got it...


But here's the messed up part: the dude i was with at the time outright said he was looking for the helmet himself. I said "you shouldn't have any problem with that". So we end up stomping Lephantis into the ground, get to extraction, and what do you know? The chasis pops up.


My reaction



y u do dis, rng


Yeah...when I spent hours grind-farming for Detron in a 4 man team, all most of us we needed was the receiver. We got 2 spawns that evening, and both were barrel.


One guy drops for 1 mission - harvester spawns, receiver.


When he comes back...bro hug all around.

Edited by notionphil
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I agree on one point : MULTIPLES should NOT be allowed. Once you get a Prime part in a mission, it SHOULD NOT pop up again (within the same mission). Other than that, well, I always find it strange how people are always complaining that they need to actually TRY to get something they want... Guess we can put it on the "ME WANT NAOW" generation of gamers...


Oh and DE? WHY U STILL PUT CREDITS AND RESSOURCES IN REWARDS? EVERYBODY repeatedly stated that this was borderline moronic. Why are these still here? No disrespect intented guys, you know we love you, but this is really getting old and FRUSTRATING.

Edited by Marthrym
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The idea of the game is to work your your stuff.


In the end that hard work to get that last piece of your weapon pays off in a way that when you see that you got it you jump out of your chair with excitement cause you finally did it.


To be honest you don't really deserve the component you need if you only did like 5 missions in the void ever.


A prime anything is a symbol of your long grinding accomplishment, and seeing that on your frame, or being your frame, used to mean that people know you as an experienced player who has been through the wonders and misfortunes of RNG.


RNG is a percentage based award system, so don't expect anything to be handed to you on a platter. That costs platinum, which if your having this much time to complain about RNG i suggest that you either cough up the cash and make this game more boring to you, OR you can suck it up and deal with it like many have before. 


You need to give something in order to achieve something


That is life


By that logic, prepare to jump out of your chair when you reach 1000 hrs ingame because it took forever to get and now you have it.


There is no set "You have not earned enough" limit in Warframe. What about the Mastery Rank 2 that I fed Mag Prime to? Does he not deserve those pieces despite literally following me and leeching off my drops/rewards?


A prime anything is not a symbol of higher standing or long grinding accomplishment, it's a skin with an extra polarity or two attached to it. Even back when you could pick up Excalibur Prime by buying founders and Frost Prime was the mysterious "pro-character"; it meant nothing if you were a terrible player and we all pointed and laughed everytime they died too.


And seriously? Spend platinum to make the game Less fun? Don't get me wrong, the entirety of warframe is grind, but if you seriously consider running the same tileset fighting the same level enemies with (more often than not) the same gear and builds, then allow me to re-direct you to Runescape.

Edited by Capere
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If you watched the last prime time, both Megan and Rebecca ran T3 void survivals, and got liberal helpings of credits until they extracted.


They pretended to be happy about it, but you could see a little bit of their souls  dieing everytime it came up.

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